Application for authorization to produce and place on the market raw milk (paper) (Form 14788*03)

Ministry of Agriculture - Cerfa n° 14788*03

This application concerns the production of raw milk produced by bovine animals (cows or buffaloes), small ruminants (goats or sheep) and domestic solipeds (mares or donkeys).

It's just raw milk that's being sold directly as it stands at consumer final, not intended for processing.

The authorization shall be granted without any limitation as to duration, quantity delivered to the consumer and distance to the market in relation to the establishment producing raw milk.

The operator must download the form, print it, fill it out and send it to the Departmental Directorate of Population Protection (DDPP).

Go to the online administrative form

Verified 09 August 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

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