Démarche en ligne
Nominative Social Declaration (DSN) (Online Service)
Net-companies-GIP Modernization of social declarations
The NSN replaces a very large number of returns. It allows you to pay your social contributions and communicate to social organizations (Urssaf, MSA: titleContent, France Travail, CPAM: titleContent...) the information necessary for the social protection of your employees.
It's done online at net-companies.fr.
As a reminder, the date of transmission the NSN varies depending on your workforce:
- If you use less than 50 employees : DSN must be performed no later than the 15th of the month which follows the period of paid work.
- If you use 50 or more employees : DSN must be performed no later than the 5th of the month which follows the period of paid work.
Where can I get information
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
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Émetteur de la démarche en ligne : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information
Verified 19 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)