All you need to know about the social contributions of a simplified share business (SAS)

Verified 01 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you thinking of creating or have created a SAS and would you like to know the social system that applies? We provide you with the necessary information.

The president of the SAS has the status ofassimilated employee : he depends, like the employee, on the general social security system.

The social contributions linked to the director and paid by the company are the same as those of an executive employee, except unemployment insurance. However, they may, if they so wish, take out additional unemployment insurance.

He is covered by sickness and maternity insurance, family allowances, insurance against accidents at work, basic pension insurance, supplementary pension insurance and pension insurance.

Since the manager is not entitled to unemployment insurance, he does not have to pay the unemployment insurance contribution.

Social contributions and contributions shall be calculated on the following income:

  • Wages
  • Allowances
  • Supplementary social benefits
  • Replacement income in the event of sickness, maternity or industrial accident
  • Extra-legal family benefits
  • Cash benefits provided by the Social and Economic Committee (ESC)
  • Benefits in kind such as food and accommodation, provision of professional vehicles for private use

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Less than 11 employees

Social security contributions are payable by the employer and the employee.

It's the employer who withholds the amount social security contributions every month on the payroll of its employees.

He must thendeclare and pay social contributions by means of the registered social declaration (NSN) not later than the 15th of the following month that of the period of employment concerned:

Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)

The employer has the opportunity to opt for for the quarterly registered social return. The declaration and payment of social security contributions will have to be made not later than the 15th of the first month the following quarter.

The social contributions and contributions due are as follows:

  • Apec Contribution
  • Contribution of family allowances
  • Social security contribution sickness, maternity, invalidity and death insurance
  • Solidarity of Autonomy Contribution (CSA)
  • Workers' compensation contributions
  • Payment to the National Housing Fund (FNAL)
  • AGS Contribution
  • Social Package
  • Freight payment

In addition to these payroll taxes, there are payroll contributions which are directly deducted from the gross salary of the employee.

These contributions include old-age insurance, the general social contribution (CSG: titleContent), the contribution to the repayment of the social debt (CRDS: titleContent), unemployment and supplementary pension contributions.

Between 11 and 50 employees

Social security contributions are payable by the employer and the employee.

It's the employer who withholds the amount social security contributions every month on the payroll of its employees.

He must thendeclare and pay social contributions by means of the registered social declaration (NSN) not later than the 15th of the following month that of the period of employment concerned:

Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)

The social contributions and contributions due are as follows:

  • Apec Contribution
  • Contribution of family allowances
  • Social security contribution sickness, maternity, invalidity and death insurance
  • Solidarity of Autonomy Contribution (CSA)
  • Workers' compensation contributions
  • Payment to the National Housing Fund (FNAL)
  • AGS Contribution
  • Social Package
  • Freight payment

In addition to these payroll taxes, there are payroll contributions which are directly deducted from the gross salary of the employee.

These contributions include old-age insurance, the general social contribution (CSG: titleContent), the contribution to the repayment of the social debt (CRDS: titleContent), unemployment and supplementary pension contributions.

More than 50 employees paid in the month worked

Social security contributions are payable by the employer and the employee.

It's the employer who withholds the amount social security contributions every month on the payroll of its employees.

He must thendeclare and pay social contributions by means of the registered social declaration (NSN) not later than the 5th of the following month that of the period of employment concerned:

Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)

The social contributions and contributions due are as follows:

  • Apec Contribution
  • Contribution of family allowances
  • Social security contribution sickness, maternity, invalidity and death insurance
  • Solidarity of Autonomy Contribution (CSA)
  • Workers' compensation contributions
  • Payment to the National Housing Fund (FNAL)
  • AGS Contribution
  • Social Package
  • Freight payment

In addition to these payroll taxes, there are payroll contributions which are directly deducted from the gross salary of the employee.

These contributions include old-age insurance, the general social contribution (CSG: titleContent), the contribution to the repayment of the social debt (CRDS: titleContent), unemployment and supplementary pension contributions.

More than 50 employees whose pay is paid on time

Social security contributions are payable by the employer and the employee.

It's the employer who withholds the amount social security contributions every month on the payroll of its employees.

He must then declare and pay social contributions by means of the registered social declaration (NSN) not later than the 15th of the following month that of the period of work concerned:

Nominative Social Declaration (DSN)

The social contributions and contributions due are as follows:

  • Apec Contribution
  • Contribution of family allowances
  • Social security contribution sickness, maternity, invalidity and death insurance
  • Solidarity of Autonomy Contribution (CSA)
  • Workers' compensation contributions
  • Payment to the National Housing Fund (FNAL)
  • AGS Contribution
  • Social Package
  • Freight payment

In addition to these payroll taxes, there are payroll contributions which are directly deducted from the gross salary of the employee.

These contributions include old-age insurance, the general social contribution (CSG: titleContent), the contribution to the repayment of the social debt (CRDS: titleContent), unemployment and supplementary pension contributions.

You can estimate the amount of social contributions you will have to pay when hiring an employee:

Calculate the social contributions for the hiring of an employee and the expected remuneration

Reductions in contributions and social contributions

The company may to benefit from reductions contributions and social contributions according to different criteria:

Exemptions from contributions and social contributions

Business can to benefit from exemptions contributions and social contributions according to different criteria:

We have chosen a list of a few words with their corresponding definitions in order to better understand the social system of a simplified share business:

  • Abatement : flat-rate or proportional reduction applied on the basis of a tax calculation (income, value of property, etc.)
  • Plate : the basis on which the rates of the various contributions and contributions are applied
  • Contribution : tax dedicated to specific projects (CSG and CRDS dedicated to the financing of Social Security)
  • Contribution : a levy which entitles the holder to social benefits
  • Discount : mechanism for reducing social contributions
  • Nominative social declaration (DSN: titleContent) : Online declaration filed monthly from the payslip. It has to be filled out by all private sector employers.
  • Exemption : exemption from payment of one or more social contributions
  • Per diem : sum of money paid to the employee by the social security in the event of accident, sickness or maternity
  • Employers' share : employers' contributions and social contributions
  • Wage share : contributions and social contributions payable by employees
  • Liable : a company that has to pay a social contribution and has not yet done so