Planning Permit

Verified 20 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You want to set up a housing estate, a campsite, a parking area, a sports field or a leisure area or a reception area for travelers (AAGV: titleContent) or do earthwork?. Before starting your work, you must obtain a planning permit (PA). It's issued by the city hall. We guide you through the steps of applying for a permit.

Step-by-step approach

You must first inquire with your city hall to find out if your project is in a protected area, because the rules are different.

Protected sites are remarkable heritage sites, the historic landmarks, the classified or pending sites, nature reserves, the heart of national parks or a future national park.

Who shall I contact
General case

The improvements and works subject to development permits are as follows:

Tableau - Development and works subject to development permits




With the creation or fitting-out of tracks, spaces or equipment specific to the subdivision, common to several lots at the expense of the subdivision.

If the area of land to be developed is more than 2 500 m2, you must use a architect or to a landscape designer.


Carried out by a free urban land association (Aful: titleContent) where it provides for the construction of common roads or spaces


  • Creation or expansion of a land for more than 20 people or more than 6 recreational accommodations consisting of tents, caravans, mobile recreational residences or light recreational dwellings
  • Redevelopment of a campground, with an increase of more than 10% the number of locations
  • Substantial change in vegetation that limits the visual impact of installations

Residential leisure park

  • Create or enlarge
  • Redevelopment of an existing park with an increase of over 10%  the number of locations
  • Substantial change in vegetation that limits the visual impact of installations

Holiday village classified as light accommodation

Create or enlarge

Field for motorized sports or leisure


Amusement park and playground and sports area

Development of a park or an area of more than 2 hectares

Golf course

Development of a plot of more than 25 hectares

Parking area open to the public, vehicle depot and collective garages for caravans or mobile recreational residences

The layout has the effect of creating a total capacity of at least 50 units

Visitor Reception Area and Traveler Family Grounds

Development of a built or unbuilt land to allow the installation of more than 2 mobile residences constituting the permanent habitat of their user

Land intended for the installation of demountable residences constituting the permanent habitat of their user

Development of a built or unbuilt lot to allow the installation of at least 2 demountable residences creating a total floor area greater than 40 m²

Scouring of soil

Scratching of a depth of more than 2 meters and covering an area of 2 hectares or more where it is not subject to a building permit

Soil enhancement

Expansion of a height of more than 2 meters and covering an area of 2 hectares or more

Protected area

The improvements and works subject to development permits are as follows:

Tableau - Development and works subject to development permits




Subdivision located on the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site, on the edge of a historic monument, in a classified site or under classification.

If the area of land to be developed is more than 2 500 m2However, you need to hire an architect or a landscape designer.


Carried out by a free urban land association (Aful: titleContent) where it provides for the construction of common roads or spaces


  • Creation or expansion of a land for more than 20 people or more than 6 recreational accommodations consisting of tents, caravans, mobile recreational residences or light recreational dwellings
  • Redevelopment of a campground, with an increase of more than 10% the number of locations
  • Substantial change in vegetation that limits the visual impact of installations

Residential leisure park

  • Create or enlarge
  • Redevelopment of an existing park with an increase of over 10% the number of locations
  • Substantial change in vegetation that limits the visual impact of installations

Holiday village classified as light accommodation

Create or enlarge

Field for motorized sports or leisure


Amusement park and playground and sports area

All projects located within the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site, on the edge of a historic monument, in a classified or pending site or in a nature reserve

Golf course

All projects located within the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site, on the edge of a historic monument, in a classified or pending site or in a nature reserve

Parking area open to the public, vehicle depot and collective garages for caravans or mobile recreational residences

Any project located within the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site, on the edge of a historic monument, in a classified or pending site or in a nature reserve

Visitor Reception Area and Traveler Family Grounds

Development of a built or unbuilt land to allow the installation of more than 2 mobile residences constituting the permanent habitat of their user

Land intended for the installation of demountable residences constituting the permanent habitat of their user

Development of a built or unbuilt land to allow the installation of at least 2 demountable residences creating a total floor area of more than 40 m²

Scouring of soil

Scratching of a depth of more than 2 meters and covering an area of 100 m² or more where it is not subject to a building permit

Soil enhancement

Expansion of a height of more than 2 meters and covering an area of not less than 100 m²

Public space

Creation within the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site, on the edge of a historic monument, in a classified or pending site or in a nature reserve


Creation or modification of an existing lane within the perimeter of remarkable heritage sites and around historic monuments

Light fittings, necessary for the management, economic development or opening to the public of remarkable spaces (road, parking, wildlife observation post...)

In a remarkable space or mid-shore identified in a city planning document as being to be preserved

The application for authorization may be made by natural and moral following:

  • Owner(s) of the land or its representative
  • Purchaser of the property
  • Company authorized by the owner(s) to carry out the work
  • No one in division or his representative
  • Trustee and co-owner
  • Beneficiary of expropriation (public service, public establishment, chamber of commerce...).

The way to build your planning permit file differs depending on whether you are in Paris or in another municipality:

General case

You have to fill in your permit file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.

Who shall I contact

On the Internet

You can complete your planning permit application on the Internet:

Support for your city planning authorization request

In Paris

You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:

Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop

Depending on whether you are in Paris or another municipality, you must file your application:

  • By dematerialized according to the arrangements made by your municipality (inquire on the site of the town hall or on the spot)
  • By letter RAR: titleContent
  • In your own hand.
Who shall I contact
General case

Via the Internet

You can send your PNR application file via the Internet:

Support for your city planning authorization request

When you send your request by hand or by post, the City Hall will issue you a receipt. When you submit your application electronically, the receipt shall consist of the electronic acknowledgement of receipt.

The receipt contains the registration number of your file and the information allowing you to know the date from which the work can start.

He states that, within 1 month of the filing of the file, the City Hall can notify a different time frame to start your work. She also has 1 month to notify you if your file is incomplete.

Filing in town hall or by mail

Your permit application can be submitted or mailed RAR: titleContent to the town hall.

Who shall I contact

You must deposit 4 complete files in town hall.

In some cases, additional copies you are asked to:

  • Project located within the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site, to historic landmarks, in a classified site, registered site or in a nature reserve: 1 additional copy
  • Project located in a national park core: 2 additional copies
  • Project subject to commercial authorization: 2 additional copies (1 of which is in dematerialized form).

You must attach 5 copies of the situational plan and the overall compositional plan.

In the case of a construction, you must also provide 5 copies of ground plane, the plan of the facades and roofs and the sectional plane.

If the operation is located on 2 communes, the file is preferably lodged in the municipality where the project is mainly located.

In Paris

You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:

Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop

The city hall delivers you a receipt following the filing of your file.

The receipt contains the registration number and information allowing you to know the date from which the work can start.

This date differs depending on whether your file is complete or not:

Complete file

The response time is usually 3 months from the date of submission of the application.

The City Hall must notify you within one month of the date of filing your permit file if the investigation period is longer. This is the case for:

  • Project located within the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site or to historic landmarks : 4 months
  • Draft submitted for the opinion of the Departmental Commission for the Preservation of Natural, Agricultural and Forestry Areas: 4 months
  • Project subject to commercial exploitation authorization: 5 months
  • Project located in an area intended to be classified in the heart of a future national park or in the heart of a defined national park: 5 months.
Incomplete Folder

City Hall has 1 month to notify you that your file is incomplete. You must complete it within 3 months. If you do not provide the missing documents, your application will be considered rejected.

The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.

The response time is usually 3 months from the date of submission of the application.

The City Hall must notify you within one month of the date of filing your permit file if the investigation period is longer. This is the case for:

  • Project located within the perimeter of a remarkable heritage site or to historic landmarks : 4 months
  • Draft submitted for the opinion of the Departmental Commission for the Preservation of Natural, Agricultural and Forestry Areas: 4 months
  • Project subject to commercial exploitation authorization: 5 months
  • Project located in an area intended to be classified in the heart of a future national park or in the heart of a defined national park: 5 months.

The decision is addressed to you by letter RAR: titleContent or by READ: titleContent or an equivalent electronic process.

You may receive a decision authorizing, refusing, staying the proceedings or not receive a reply:

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement


The city council's decision takes the form of a decree. It may be accompanied by requirements particulars for which the administration must give reasons.


The City Hall may withdraw a permit if it considers that it has been illegally issued within 3 months of the date of authorization of the development permit.


The refusal of development permits takes the form of a decree which specifies all the grounds for refusal of the administration. It shall also indicate the ways and time limits for appeal.

Stay of proceedings

In certain circumstances, the mayor can defer his decision on your license for up to 2 years. This is the case, for example, when your work request may compromise or make more expensive the execution of a future local city planning plan (MORE: titleContent) or a development operation.

The mayor takes a decree stay of proceedings which indicates the duration of the period.

Your application is neither accepted nor refused. It will be considered later.

The stay of proceedings may concern any application for authorization concerning works, constructions or installations in the following cases:

  • Land which forms part of the perimeter of a concerted development area (Zac: titleContent)
  • Initiation of the investigation prior to the declaration of public interest (DUP: titleContent) of an operation
  • Planned constructions which may jeopardize or make more expensive the execution of public works or the carrying out of a development operation
  • Planned constructions likely to jeopardize or make more expensive the execution of the future MORE: titleContent
  • Project located in an area intended to be in the heart of a national park.

Reasons for the decision and time-limits for appeal are specified in the order.

Within 2 months of the expiry of the stay of proceedings, you must confirm your permit application.

Within 2 months of your request, you will receive the mayor's decision. If you do not receive the mayor's decision within this period, your permit is considered granted.


Landowners who have been ordered to stay the proceedings may demand that the community (or the public service that has taken the initiative) purchase their land. The community has 1 year to comment.

Lack of response

In principle, if you do not receive a reply from the City Hall at the end of the investigation period, the license is tacitly tuned. On simple written request from you, the city hall can issue you a license certificate.


Within 3 months of the date of the permit decision, the City Hall may withdraw the permit if it considers that it was issued illegally.

However, failure to respond by the administration is rejection unspoken permits in the following cases:

  • Draft submitted for opinion to the departmental commission for commercial development
  • Project to extend or reopen a cinema whose application has been refused by the competent departmental committee
  • Work subject to authorization by the Minister of Defense.

You can make a appeal to the administrative court within 2 months of decision unspoken rejection.

Who shall I contact

Display Object and Duration

L'display of development permit on the ground east obligatory. Where a permit is obtained unspokenNo, it's the license certificate which must be displayed. You have to ask the city council beforehand.

You must display this view on notification of the order or as soon as the time limit for the investigation of your file is completed (in case of a permit unspoken).

It must remain in place for the duration of the work.

An extract of the permit is displayed in the town hall within 8 days of the issuance of the authorization and for 2 months.

View shape and content

You must use a rectangular panel with dimensions greater than 80 cm. It must be visible from the outside. The information on your billboard must be legible on the public highway or in spaces open to the public.

The display shows the following information:

  • Beneficiary's name, business name or trade name
  • Date and number of permit
  • Nature of the project, land area
  • Address of the town hall where the file can be consulted
  • Name of thearchitect author of the architectural project.

It shall also indicate, depending on the nature of the project, the following:

  • Floor area authorized and the height of the building(s), expressed in meters in relation to the natural ground, if the project involves building(s)
  • Maximum number of lots expected if the project is on a subdivision
  • Total number of pitches and, if applicable, the number of pitches reserved for light recreational dwellings if the project involves a campground or a residential recreational park
  • Area of building(s) to be demolished if the project involves demolitions.

The display shall also mention the possibility for third party to exercise a appeal. They must then notify the licensee within 15 days of their appeal. For 2 months from 1er field display day, such third parties may in fact carry out a ex gratia appeal to the mayor who issued the authorization.

In the absence of a notice, they will be able to contest the authorization for 6 months after the completion of the work.

When the mayor refuses your application for a development permit or takes a decree you can challenge it.

In the 2 months that follow the date of notification from the decision or from the date on which an implied decision of rejection arose, you can make a ex gratia appeal by letter RAR: titleContent by the town hall.

Who shall I contact

If your grace attempt fails, you have a new grace period of 2 months to make aappeal to the administrative court, by letter RAR: titleContent. You must clearly state the reasons for your right to a planning permit.

You must apply to the administrative court on which the municipality where your project is located depends.

Who shall I contact

Please note

You can also to bring proceedings before the administrative court within 2 months of the date of notification of the decision to refuse the permit, without making an ex gratia appeal.

The development permit has a period of validity which can be extended on request.

Period of validity of the development permit

The development permit has a period of validity of 3 years. It expires if you have not started the work within 3 years or if, after this period, you interrupt it for more than 1 consecutive year.

Apply for an extension of the development permit

The period of validity may be extended 2 times for 1 year if the city planning rules and administrative easements have not changed.

You have to do it demand at least 2 months before the initial period of validity of your city planning authorization (or before the end of the validity period of your 1re request for extension).

This request must be made in 2 copies by letter RAR: titleContent or dropped off in town hall.

Upon receipt of your request, the City Hall has 2 months to answer you.

The extension is granted if you do not receive a reply within this time limit.

Only the valid city planning permissions may be prolonged.

Example :

An authorization valid from June 5, 2024 to June 5, 2027 can be extended for 1 year if you apply before April 5, 2027.

It can be extended to a 2e times if you request it 2 months before the end of the 1re extension granted.

The site opening declaration is mandatory.

General case

Before you begin your work, you must declare the opening of the site on a form to be deposited or sent to the town hall, preferably by letter RAR: titleContent :

Declaration of the opening of the construction site

Who shall I contact
In Paris

Before you begin your work, you must declare the opening of the construction site at the Basu only by dematerialized means:

Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop

When you have finished your work, you must send to the town hall, or to the Basu: titleContent for Paris, a declaration of completion and conformity of works (DAACT: titleContent) of your work.

You have to pay various contributions: a tax, a royalty and participations.

Tax, royalties and participations payable

The order informs you of the amount of any contributions you have to pay. They may include the following:

  • Development tax
  • Preventive Archeology Fee
  • EAP: titleContent
  • Participation for the construction of public parking lots or PNRAS: titleContent
  • Pepe: titleContent
  • PVR: titleContent
  • Participation of local residents (in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle).

Equity may also take the form of:

  • Execution of works: the decree specifies the general characteristics of the works and the estimated cost
  • Contributions of built or unbuilt land: the decree indicates the area to be transferred and the value of the land.

Please note

The connection to the sewer of new or existing constructions generates the payment of the contribution for the financing of the collective sanitation (Pfac: titleContent or Pac).

Know the amounts and pay

You should contact your property tax center for the development tax and the preventive archeology charge :

Who shall I contact

You must contact the city planning department of your town hall for the holdings :

Who shall I contact

Support for your city planning authorization request

Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop

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