Micro-entrepreneur pension plan

Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Rates 2024 micro retreat

The minimum thresholds for validating the 2024 retirement quarters of a CIPAV-affiliated micro-entrepreneur are not yet known. Only the thresholds for 2022 and 2023 are indicated at this time.

The factsheet will be updated as soon as they are published.

As a micro-entrepreneur, social security contributions are levied on your turnover. They give you access to pension rights (basic and supplementary pensions). However, if you do not have a turnover, you do not pay social security contributions and therefore do not get pension rights.

You get your pension rights from Pension Insurance. He is your main contact for everything concerning your retirement.

Who shall I contact

You don't have to take any specific steps to make yourself known. Your affiliation is done automatically during registration on your company.

Every month or every quarter, you contribute for your social protection. From this amount, a percentage corresponding to your basic pension and your supplementary pension is deducted. Rates differ depending on your business.

For example, the rates will be different if you perform Industrial and Commercial Benefits (BIC) (sale of goods, certain services, etc.) or non-commercial profits (NBC) (liberal activity dependent on Cnav: titleContent or the Cipav: titleContent).

We present you the information about your retirement according to your activity.

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Merchandise sales activity

Your basic pension contributions allow you to post retirement quarters.

Validated quarters are calculated in several steps:

1. Determine the overall contribution package

You must calculate your overall contribution package for each quarter or month. It is equal to your quarterly or monthly turnover multiplied by the flat rate social payment that corresponds to your activity: 12.3%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur carrying on a commercial activity has an annual turnover of €12,100 in 2024, as follows:

Quarter 1: €4,200

Quarter 2: €2,000

Quarter 3: €2,300

Quarter 4: €3,600

The amount of its turnover in each quarter must be multiplied by the flat rate social payment corresponding to a commercial activity (12.3%):

Quarter 1: €4,200 x 12.3% = €517

Quarter 2: €2,000 x 12.3% = €246

Quarter 3: €2,300 x 12.3% = €283

Quarter 4: €3,600 x 12.3% = €443

2. Determine the amount of contributions allocated to your basic pension plan

To calculate the amount of your contributions that is allocated to your basic pension plan, you have to multiply the amount of your lump sum of contributions by the basic pension plan allocation rate. This rate is equal to 41.80%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur engaged in a commercial profession paid the amounts corresponding to his social contributions for each quarter of 2024:

Quarter 1: €517

Quarter 2: €246

Quarter 3: €283

Quarter 4: €443

To know the amount set aside for your basic pension, you have to multiply them each by 41.80% (basic pension contribution rate):

Quarter 1: €517 x 41.80% = €216.11

Quarter 2: €246 x 41.80% = €102.83

Quarter 3: €283 x 41.80% = €118.29

Quarter 4: €443 x 41.80% = €185.17

3. Determine the amount of income you have contributed for your basic pension

You must add up the contributions you made in the year and divide them by the contribution rate of the basic pension plan for the year.

For the year 2024, this rate is equal to 17.75%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur in a commercial occupation contributed the following amounts for his basic retirement each quarter:

Quarter 1: €216.11

Quarter 2: €102.83

Quarter 3: €118.29

Quarter 4: €185.17

To determine the amount of income contributed for basic retirement in 2024, you must add up all the income contributed for each quarter and divide it by 17.75%.

Contributed income 2024: (€216.11 + €102.83 + €118.29 + €185.17)/17.75% = €3,506.48

4. Determine the number of quarters contributed

To find out how many quarters of retirement you have validated in a year, you must divide the amount of income contributed to the basic pension plan by the hourly minimum on 1er January of the year times 150.

For 2024, the hourly minimum wage multiplied by 150 is equal to 1,782.00.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur engaged in a commercial activity has assessed income of €3,506.48 in 2024.

To know the number of quarters he has validated, you have to divide his contribution income by 1,782.00.

Number of quarters posted: €3,506.48/1,782.00 = 1.96 .

With €12,100 of annual turnover in 2024, a micro-entrepreneur updated in the payment of his contributions validates 2 quarters.


A micro-entrepreneur cannot contribute more than 4 quarters per year.

The amount of your pension is based on your best 25 years of income.

Your retirement pension is 50% of your average income if you have contributed every quarter of your retirement.

The amount of the average income taken into account may not exceed €47,100. If you have not contributed every quarter of your retirement, then your pension is reduced.

Year of birth

Number of quarters for the full rate

Between 1er January and August 31, 1961


Between 1er september and december 31, 1961














From 1968



For more information, see the statement on the retirement pension of employees on our website. The calculation of your retirement pension (as a micro-entrepreneur) is the same as that of a private sector employee.

5. Determine the amount of your supplementary pension

You will also benefit from a supplementary pension. It is a percentage deducted from your social security contributions.

For the year 2024, this percentage is equal to 16.50%.

Your additional pension allows you to earn pension points. Retirement points are calculated in several stages. As with the basic pension, you have to determine how much of your social security contributions goes to your supplementary pension.

Once you have determined this amount for a year, you must divide it by the value of the corresponding year point.

The value of the point of supplementary retirement in 2024 is equal €19.394.

Example :

Using the example of the micro-entrepreneur used to calculate the retirement quarters, he paid the following amounts for his social contributions:

Quarter 1: €517

Quarter 2: €246

Quarter 3: €283

Quarter 4: €443

To know the amount reserved for his supplementary pension, you have to multiply each by 16.50%.

Quarter 1: €517 x 16.50% =€85.31

Quarter 2: €246 x 16.50% = €40.59

Quarter 3: €283 x 16.50% =€46.70

Quarter 4: €443 x 16.50% = €73.10

In order to determine the number of points contributed, all contributions made to his supplementary pension must be added up and divided by €19.394 :

(€85.31 + €40.59 + €46.70 +

€73.10)/€19.394 = 12,67 rounded down to 12.

Thus, the micro-entrepreneur with an annual income of €12,100 in 2024 will contribute 12 points in respect of his supplementary pension.

Service Delivery Activity (BIC)

Your basic pension contribution allows you to post retirement quarters.

Validated quarters are calculated in several steps:

1. Determine the overall contribution package

You must calculate your overall contribution package for each quarter or month. It is equal to your quarterly or monthly turnover multiplied by the lump-sum social payment rate that corresponds to your activity: 21.2%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur providing services shall have an annual turnover of €12,100 in 2024 broken down as follows:

Quarter 1: €4,200

Quarter 2: €2,000

Quarter 3: €2,300

Quarter 4: €3,600

The amount of turnover in each quarter must be multiplied by the flat-rate social payment corresponding to a service activity (21.2%):

Quarter 1: €4,200 x 21.2% = €890.4

Quarter 2: €2,000 x 21.2% = €424

Quarter 3: €2,300 x 21.2% = €487.6

Quarter 4: €3,600 x 21.2% = €763.2

2. Determine the amount of contributions allocated to your basic pension plan

To calculate the amount of your contributions that is allocated to your basic pension plan, you have to multiply the amount of your lump sum of contributions by the basic pension plan allocation rate. Rate equals 41.80%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur providing services paid his social security contributions for each quarter of 2024 as follows:

Quarter 1: €890.4

Quarter 2: €424

Quarter 3: €487.6

Quarter 4: €763.2

To know the amount set aside for your basic pension, you have to multiply them each by 41.80% (basic pension contribution rate):

Quarter 1: €890.4 x 41.80% = €372.19

Quarter 2: €424 x 41.80% = €177.23

Quarter 3: €487.6 x 41.80% = €203.82

Quarter 4: €763.2 x 41.80% = €319.02

3. Determine the amount of income you have contributed for your basic pension

You must add up the contributions you made in the year and divide them by the contribution rate of the basic pension plan for the year.

For the year 2024, this rate is equal to 17.75%.

Example :

A micro-contractor performing service provided the following contributions to his basic pension on a quarterly basis:

Quarter 1: €372.19

Quarter 2: €177.23

Quarter 3: €203.82

Quarter 4: €319.02

To determine the amount of income contributed for basic retirement in 2024, you must add up all the income contributed for each quarter and divide it by 17.75%.

Contributed income 2024: (€372.19 + €177.23 + €203.82 + €319.02)/17.75% = €6,040.90

4. Determine the number of quarters contributed

To find out how many quarters of retirement you have validated in a year, you must divide the amount of income contributed to the basic pension plan by the hourly minimum on 1er January of the year times 150.

For 2024, the hourly minimum wage multiplied by 150 is equal to 1,782.00.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur performing services has a assessed income of €6,040.90 in 2024.

To know the number of quarters he has validated, you have to divide his contribution income by 1,782.00.

Number of quarters posted: €6,040.90/1,782.00 = 3.38 rounded down to the nearest integer: 3.

With €12,100 of annual turnover, a micro-entrepreneur up to date in the payment of his contributions validates 3 quarters.


A micro-entrepreneur cannot contribute more than 4 quarters per year.

The amount of your pension is based on your best 25 years of income.

Your retirement pension is 50% of your average income if you have contributed every quarter of your retirement.

The amount of the average income taken into account may not exceed €47,100. If you have not contributed every quarter of your retirement, then your pension is reduced.

Year of birth

Number of quarters for the full rate

Between 1er January and August 31, 1961


Between 1er september and december 31, 1961














From 1968



For more information, see the statement on the retirement pension of employees on our website. The calculation of your retirement pension (as a micro-entrepreneur) is the same as that of a private sector employee.

5. Determine the amount of your supplementary pension

You will also benefit from a supplementary pension. It is a percentage deducted from your social security contributions.

For the year 2024, this percentage is equal to 16.50%.

Your additional pension allows you to earn pension points. Retirement points are calculated in several stages. As with the basic pension, you have to determine how much of your social security contributions goes to your supplementary pension.

Once you have determined this amount for a year, you must divide it by the value of the corresponding year point.

The value of the point of supplementary retirement in 2024 is equal €19.394.

Example :

Using the example of the micro-entrepreneur used to calculate the retirement quarters, he paid the following amounts for his social contributions:

Quarter 1: €517

Quarter 2: €246

Quarter 3: €283

Quarter 4: €443

To know the amount reserved for his supplementary pension, you have to multiply each by 16.50%.

Quarter 1: €517 x 16.50% =€85.31

Quarter 2: €246 x 16.50% = €40.59

Quarter 3: €283 x 16.50% =€46.70

Quarter 4: €443 x 16.50% = €73.10

In order to determine the number of points contributed, all contributions made to his supplementary pension must be added up and divided by €19.394 :

(€85.31 + €40.59 + €46.70 +

€73.10)/€19.394 = 12,67 rounded down to 12.

Thus, the micro-entrepreneur with an annual income of €12,100 in 2024 will contribute 12 points in respect of his supplementary pension.

Rental of furnished living quarters

Your basic pension contributions allow you to post retirement quarters.

Validated quarters are calculated in several steps:

1. Determine the overall contribution package

You must calculate your overall contribution package for each quarter or month. It is equal to your quarterly or monthly turnover multiplied by the lump-sum social payment rate that corresponds to your activity. This rate is equal to 21.2%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur who leases furnished goods has an annual turnover of €12,100 in 2024 broken down as follows:

Quarter 1: €4,200

Quarter 2: €2,000

Quarter 3: €2,300

Quarter 4: €3,600

The amount of its turnover in each quarter must be multiplied by the flat rate social payment corresponding to an activity of renting furnished goods (21.2%):

Quarter 1: €4,200 x 21.2% = €890.4

Quarter 2: €2,000 x 21.2% = €424

Quarter 3: €2,300 x 21.2% = €487.6

Quarter 4: €3,600 x 21.2% = €763.2

2. Determine the amount of contributions allocated to your basic pension plan

To calculate the amount of your contributions that is allocated to your basic pension plan, you have to multiply the amount of your lump sum of contributions by the basic pension plan allocation rate. Rate equals 41.80%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur who leases furnished goods paid the amounts corresponding to his contributions and social contributions for each quarter of 2024:

Quarter 1: €890.4

Quarter 2: €424

Quarter 3: €487.6

Quarter 4: €763.2

To know the amount set aside for your basic pension, you have to multiply them each by 41.80% (basic pension contribution rate):

Quarter 1: €890.4 x 41.80% = €372.19

Quarter 2: €424 x 41.80% = €177.23

Quarter 3: €487.6 x 41.80% = €203.82

Quarter 4: €763.2 x 41.80% = €319.02

3. Determine the amount of income you have contributed for your basic pension

You must add up the contributions you made in the year and divide them by the contribution rate of the basic pension plan for the year.

For the year 2024, this rate is equal to 17.75%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur who leases furnished property contributed the following amounts for his basic retirement each quarter:

Quarter 1: €372.19

Quarter 2: €177.23

Quarter 3: €203.82

Quarter 4: €319.02

To determine the amount of income contributed for basic retirement in 2024, you must add up all the income contributed for each quarter and divide it by 17.75%.

Contributed income 2024: (€372.19 + €177.23 + €203.82 + €319.02)/17.75% = €6,040.90

4. Determine the number of quarters contributed

To find out how many quarters of retirement you have validated in a year, you must divide the amount of income contributed to the basic pension plan by the hourly minimum on 1er January of the year times 150.

For 2024, the hourly minimum wage multiplied by 150 is equal to 1,782.00.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur who leases furnished property has assessed income of €6,040.90 in 2024.

To know the number of quarters he has validated, you have to divide his contribution income by 1,782.00.

Number of quarters posted: €6,040.90/1,782.00 = 3.38 rounded down to the nearest integer: 3.

With €12,100 of turnover, a micro-entrepreneur up to date in the payment of his contributions validates 3 quarters.


A micro-entrepreneur cannot contribute more than 4 quarters per year.

The amount of your pension is based on your best 25 years of income.

Your retirement pension is 50% of your average income if you have contributed every quarter of your retirement.

The amount of the average income taken into account may not exceed €47,100. If you have not contributed every quarter of your retirement, then your pension is reduced.

Year of birth

Number of quarters for the full rate

Between 1er January and August 31, 1961


Between 1er september and december 31, 1961














From 1968



For more information, see the statement on the retirement pension of employees on our website. The calculation of your retirement pension (as a micro-entrepreneur) is the same as that of a private sector employee.

Determining the amount of your supplementary pension

You will also benefit from a supplementary pension. It is a percentage deducted from your social security contributions.

For the year 2024, this percentage is equal to 16.50%.

Your additional pension allows you to earn pension points. Retirement points are calculated in several stages. As with the basic pension, you have to determine how much of your social security contributions goes to your supplementary pension.

Once you have determined this amount for a year, you must divide it by the value of the corresponding year point.

The value of the point of supplementary retirement in 2024 is equal €19.394.

Example :

Using the example of the micro-entrepreneur used to calculate the retirement quarters, he paid the following amounts for his social contributions:

Quarter 1: €517

Quarter 2: €246

Quarter 3: €283

Quarter 4: €443

To know the amount reserved for his supplementary pension, you have to multiply each by 16.50%.

Quarter 1: €517 x 16.50% =€85.31

Quarter 2: €246 x 16.50% = €40.59

Quarter 3: €283 x 16.50% =€46.70

Quarter 4: €443 x 16.50% = €73.10

In order to determine the number of points contributed, all contributions made to his supplementary pension must be added up and divided by €19.394 :

(€85.31 + €40.59 + €46.70 +

€73.10)/€19.394 = 12,67 rounded down to 12.

Thus, the micro-entrepreneur with an annual income of €12,100 in 2024 will contribute 12 points in respect of his supplementary pension.

Rental of furnished tourist

Your basic pension contribution allows you to post retirement quarters.

Validated quarters are calculated in several steps:

1. Determine the overall contribution package

You must calculate your overall contribution package for each quarter or month. It is equal to your quarterly or monthly turnover multiplied by the lump-sum social payment rate that corresponds to your activity. Rate equals 6%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur who rents out furniture makes an annual turnover of €9,100 in 2024 broken down as follows:

Quarter 1: €1,200

Quarter 2: €2,000

Quarter 3: €2,300

Quarter 4: €3,600

The amount of turnover in each quarter must be multiplied by the flat-rate social payment corresponding to an activity of furnished tourism (6%):

Quarter 1: €1,200 x 6% = €72

Quarter 2: €2,000 x 6% = €120

Quarter 3: €2,300 x 6% = €138

Quarter 4: €3,600 x 6% = €216

2. Determine the amount of contributions allocated to your basic pension plan

To calculate the amount of your contributions that is allocated to your basic pension plan, you have to multiply the amount of your lump sum of contributions by the basic pension plan allocation rate. Rate equals 48.30%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur who leases furnished tourist goods paid the amounts corresponding to his social contributions for each quarter of 2023:

Quarter 1: €72

Quarter 2: €120

Quarter 3: €138

Quarter 4: €216

In order to know the amount set aside for his basic pension, he must multiply each by 48.30% (basic pension contribution rate):

Quarter 1: €72 x 48.30% = €34.78

Quarter 2: €120 x 48.30% = €54.96

Quarter 3: €138 x 48.30% = €66.65

Quarter 4: €216 x 48.30% = €104.33

3. Determine the amount of income you have contributed for your basic pension

You must add up the contributions you made in the year and divide them by the contribution rate of the basic pension plan for the year.

For the year 2024, this rate is equal to 17.75%.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur who leases furnished tourist property contributed the following amounts for his basic retirement each quarter:

Quarter 1: €34.78

Quarter 2: €54.96

Quarter 3: €66.65

Quarter 4: €104.33

To determine the amount of income contributed for basic retirement in 2024, you must add up all the income contributed for each quarter and divide it by 17.75%.

Contributed income 2024: (€34.78 + €54.96 + €66.65 + €104.33)/17.75% = €1,468.85

4. Determine the number of quarters contributed

To find out how many quarters of retirement you have validated in a year, you must divide the amount of income contributed to the basic pension plan by the hourly minimum on 1er January of the year times 150.

For 2024, the hourly minimum wage multiplied by 150 is equal to 1,782.00.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur who rents out tourist furniture has a assessed income of €1,468.85 in 2024.

To know the number of quarters he has validated, you have to divide his contribution income by 1,782.00.

Number of quarters posted: €1,468.85/1,782.00 = 0.82 rounded down to the nearest integer: 0.

With €9,100 of turnover, a micro-entrepreneur up to date in the payment of his contributions does not validate a quarter of retirement.


A micro-entrepreneur cannot contribute more than 4 quarters per year.

The amount of your pension is based on your best 25 years of income.

Your retirement pension is 50% of your average income if you have contributed every quarter of your retirement.

The amount of the average income taken into account may not exceed €47,100. If you have not contributed every quarter of your retirement, then your pension is reduced.

Year of birth

Number of quarters for the full rate

Between 1er January and August 31, 1961


Between 1er september and december 31, 1961














From 1968



For more information, see the statement on the retirement pension of employees on our website. The calculation of your retirement pension (as a micro-entrepreneur) is the same as that of a private sector employee.

5. Determine the amount of your supplementary pension

You will also benefit from a supplementary pension. It is a percentage deducted from your social security contributions. For the year 2024, this percentage is equal to 15.10%.

Your additional pension allows you to earn pension points. Retirement points are calculated in several stages. As with the basic pension, you have to determine how much of your social security contributions goes to your supplementary pension.

Once you have determined this amount for a year, you must divide it by the value of the corresponding year point.

The value of the point of supplementary retirement in 2024 is equal €19.394.

Example :

Using the example of the micro-entrepreneur used to calculate the retirement quarters, he paid the following amounts for his social contributions:

Quarter 1: €72

Quarter 2: €120

Quarter 3: €138

Quarter 4: €216

To know the amount reserved for his supplementary pension, you have to multiply each by 15.10%.

Quarter 1: €72 x 15.10% =€10.87

Quarter 2: €120 x 15.10% = €18.12

Quarter 3: €138 x 15.10% =€20.84

Quarter 4: €216 x 15.10% = €32.62

To determine the number of points contributed, he must add up all the contributions made to his supplementary pension and divide them by €19.394 :

(€10.87 + €18.12 + €20.84 +

€32.62)/€19.394 = 4,25 rounded down to the nearest integer 4.

Thus, the micro-entrepreneur with an annual income of €9,100 in 2024 will contribute 4 points in respect of his supplementary retirement.

Profession (excluding Cipav)

Validated quarters are calculated in several steps:

1. Determine the overall contribution package

You must calculate your overall contribution package for each quarter or month. It is equal to your quarterly or monthly turnover multiplied by the lump-sum social payment rate that corresponds to your activity. Rate equals 24.6% since 1er July 2024.

Example :

A micro-entrepreneur in a professional capacity has an annual turnover of €12,100 in 2025 broken down as follows:

Quarter 1: €4,200

Quarter 2: €2,000

Quarter 3: €2,300

Quarter 4: €3,600

The amount of its turnover in each quarter must be multiplied by the flat-rate social payment corresponding to a liberal activity (24.6%):

Quarter 1: €4,200 x 24.6%= €1,033

Quarter 2: €2,000 x 24.6%= €492

Quarter 3: €2,300 x 24.6% = €566

Quarter 4: €3,600 x 24.6% = €886

2. Determine the amount of contributions allocated to your basic pension plan

To calculate the amount of your contributions that is allocated to your basic pension plan, you have to multiply the amount of your lump sum of contributions by the basic pension plan allocation rate. In 2025, the rate is 55.5%.

Example :

A professional micro-entrepreneur paid the following amounts for his social security contributions for each quarter of 2025:

Quarter 1: €1,033

Quarter 2: €492

Quarter 3: €566

Quarter 4: €886

In order to know the amount set aside for his basic pension, he must multiply each by 55.5% (basic pension contribution rate):

Quarter 1: €1,033 x 55.5% = €573

Quarter 2: €492 x 55.5% = €273

Quarter 3: €566 x 55.5% =€314

Quarter 4: €886 x 55.5% = €492

3. Determine the amount of income you have contributed for your basic pension

You must add up the contributions you made in the year and divide them by the contribution rate of the basic pension plan for the year.

For the year 2025, this rate is equal to 17.75%.

Example :

A professional micro-entrepreneur contributed the following amounts for his basic retirement each quarter:

Quarter 1: €573

Quarter 2: €273

Quarter 3: €314

Quarter 4: €492

To determine the amount of income contributed for the basic retirement in 2025, you must add up all the income contributed for each quarter and divide it by 17.75%.

Contributed income 2025: (€573 + €273 + €314 + €492)/17.75% = €9,307.12

4. Determine the number of quarters contributed

To find out how many quarters of retirement you have validated in a year, you must divide the amount of income contributed to the basic pension plan by the hourly minimum on 1er January of the year times 150.

For the year 2025 the hourly minimum wage multiplied by 150 is equal to 1,782.00.

Example :

A professional micro-entrepreneur has a assessed income of €9,307.12 in 2025.

To know the number of quarters he has validated, you have to divide his contribution income by 1,782.00.

Number of quarters posted: €9,307.12/1,782.00 = 5.22

With €12,100 of turnover, a micro-entrepreneur up to date in the payment of his contributions validates 4 quarters.


A micro-entrepreneur cannot contribute more than 4 quarters per year.

The amount of your pension is based on your best 25 years of income.

Your retirement pension is 50% of your average income if you have contributed every quarter of your retirement.

The amount of the average income taken into account may not exceed €47,100. If you have not contributed every quarter of your retirement, then your pension is reduced.

Year of birth

Number of quarters for the full rate

Between 1er January and August 31, 1961


Between 1er september and december 31, 1961














From 1968



For more information, see the statement on the retirement pension of employees on our website. The calculation of your retirement pension (as a micro-entrepreneur) is the same as that of a private sector employee.

As a liberal professional, you benefit from a supplementary pension thanks to the Cnavpl: titleContent. Depending on your occupational group (doctor, veterinarian, pharmacist, etc.) your supplementary pension plan is different.

You can find all the information about your supplementary pension plan on the CNAVPL website.

Cipav-affiliated liberal profession

To validate retirement quarters, your annual revenue must exceed one of the following amounts depending on the year.

Tableau - Turnover thresholds posting retirement quarters

1-quarter posting

Validation of 2 quarters

Validation of 3 quarters

Validation of 4 quarters

Turnover threshold

















A micro-entrepreneur can't post more than 4 quarters per year.

By contributing, you also earn points. These points are used to determine the amount of your pension. The sum of the points you earned must be multiplied by the value of the point in the year you retire.

In 2024, the basic pension is equal to €0.6399.

You will also benefit from a supplementary pension for which you contribute up to 20.75% on the total amount of your social contributions. It allows you to contribute pension points.

You get 1 retirement point for all €47.40 contributors.

Once you have accounted for your retirement points, you must multiply them by the value of the additional retirement point in the year you retire.

In 2024, the value of the pension point is equal to €2.89.

Example :

You've contributed €7,000 for your supplementary retirement. To know the number of points you have obtained, you must divide €7,000 by €47.40.

7,000/47.40 = 147.68, rounded to an integer less than 147.

If you retire in 2024, you will receive 147 x 2.89 = €424.83 as part of your supplementary pension.

You can retire as soon as you reach the statutory retirement age. That doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get a full-rate pension. If you reach full retirement age, you will be able to receive your full pension even if you have not contributed the correct number of quarters.

To receive your pension at full rate you must also have a sufficient period of insurance:

Tableau - Statutory retirement age and duration of insurance

Year of birth

Statutory retirement age

Number of quarters for the full rate

Age of full retirement

Between 1er January and August 31, 1961

62 yrs


67 yrs

Between 1er september and december 31, 1961

62 and 3 months



62 and 6 months


62 and 9 months






63 and 3 months



63 and 6 months


63 and 9 months

From 1968

64 yrs

For example, if you were born in 1964 and retire at age 63 with less than 171 terms, you will not be able to collect your full pension. It will be reduced by a certain amount. However, if you retire at 67, you will be able to get your full pension even if you have not validated your 171 quarters.


Your supplementary pension depends on your basic pension. If you are receiving your basic pension at a full rate, then you are receiving your supplementary pension at a full rate.

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