Management of hazardous waste from companies
Verified 30 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The management of hazardous waste is subject to specific obligations to their elimination has the least possible impact on the environment and human health.
Hazardous waste management is complex. It is recommended to ask for advice from your professional organization or your regional directorate for environment, planning and housing (Dreal) in case of doubt.
Definition of hazardous waste
Hazardous waste
Any waste is considered hazardous if it has one or more hazardous properties (indicated by the abbreviation “HP” with a number).
Any waste that does not have any of the properties that make a waste hazardous is considered non-hazardous.
Non-hazardous waste that contains hazardous waste is considered hazardous waste (for example: a jerry can of petrol).
In order to identify with certainty whether a waste is hazardous waste, the company must find its number. A decision by theEuropean Union lists all categories of waste. They are detailed in theindex document.
The hazardous waste is indicated by an asterisk (*), after their 6-digit number.

One European Commission document provides technical recommendations for the classification of waste. It can help understand how to classify waste and identify hazardous waste.
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Persistent organic pollutants are a set of substances that degrade slowly, accumulate in living organisms, are toxic and easily transported over long distances.
They are listed in Annex IV to a European regulation, the text of which is regularly updated by Parliament.
Waste containing persistent organic pollutants which are hazardous within the meaning of the definition of hazardous waste, are subject to hazardous waste obligations.
Liability of the producer or holder of the hazardous waste
A company that proceeds or holds hazardous waste is responsible for its management.
It must ensure that the waste is disposed of (or disposed of by a third party) under conditions that minimize harmful effects on the environment.
Characterization of hazardous waste
A company that manages hazardous waste must characterize and classify.
The characterization of hazardous waste can be based on several elements: observation, knowledge of the processes that led to the production of the waste, bibliography, analyzes, etc.
Hazardous substances and mixtures shall be classified by specific hazard types and hazard categories (level of hazard):
- Physico-chemical hazard (e.g. flammable liquid)
- Health hazard (e.g. acute toxicity, carcinogenicity)
- Environmental hazard (e.g. ozone layer, aquatic environment)
Criteria for classification of hazardous substances and mixtures are available in Annex I to a European Regulation.
Hazardous and substances of very high concern to be identified
You need to identify if your waste contains substances subject to authorization under the European REACH Regulation on chemicals. They are listed on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website.
They are considered to be substances of "very high concern".
You also need to identify whether your products contain hazardous substances indicated in the annex to that order.
Packaging and packaging
You must to package or package your hazardous waste. This packaging or wrapping must:
- Prevent content loss
- Consists of materials that are not likely to be damaged by the contents
- Be strong and resistant
- Be fitted with closing devices
- In some cases, be fitted with child-resistant fastenings and tactile safety markings
The regulation of packaging and containers is very specific and depends on the hazardous waste in question. All of the obligations that must be met are available in this European regulation.
Content and format of the labeling
You must affix a labeling on packages or containers, which shall indicate in particular:
- The name, address and telephone number of the supplier(s), including, if you are a supplier, your company
- Identifiers of hazardous products: at least one name and identification number
- The nominal quantity of the substance or mixture in the package made available to the general public, unless that quantity is specified elsewhere on the package
- The hazard pictogram(s) indicating the hazard categories of waste: explosive, flammable, oxidizing, gas under pressure, corrosion, toxic, irritant, dangerous to health, dangerous to the environment
- A warning ("caution" or "danger")
- A risk phrase ("fire or projection hazard", "fatal if swallowed", etc.)
- Relevant safety advice (“Store only in the original container”, “Protect from moisture”, “Keep out of the reach of children”)
- In certain cases, other mandatory particulars
Labeling obligations are: very specific and depend on the hazardous waste in question. All of the obligations that must be met are available in this European regulation.
Information on substances of very high concern and dangerous substances
You must also indicate the presence of substances of very high concern or danger on your products. This shall apply as soon as one of the substances concerned is present in concentrations higher than 0.1% as a percentage by mass of a substance, mixture or article.
This indication shall be in the form of a statement " Contains substance of very high concern for substances covered by the REACH Regulation.
A statement " Contains hazardous substance ' shall be affixed for the substances indicated in the annex to that order.
This statement shall be entered by marking, labeling, display and by any other method that would appear appropriate to the company.
You must implement this new labeling within 6 months of the addition of a new substance such as "hazardous substance" or "substance of very high concern".
Who is affected by the hazardous waste reporting?
Your company must declare any hazardous waste it manages. This is particularly the case if your company:
- Product hazardous waste or waste containing persistent organic pollutants (POP waste)
- Collection hazardous waste or POP waste, including small quantities
- Recondition or transform hazardous waste or POP waste
- Holds hazardous waste or POP waste for which the producer is not known and shall be handed over to a third party
Exemptions from the reporting obligation
Certain wastes are excluded from this obligation. The following cases are not subject to the reporting obligation:
- You give waste oils to waste oil collectors or waste oil collectors.
- You have notified a transboundary shipment of waste.
- Your company is permitted to dispose of hazardous waste in landfills.
- Your company is permitted to deliver hazardous waste to a container that collects small amounts of hazardous waste.
- Your company is subject to the obligations of extended producer responsibility schemes.
If you are covered by this exemption, you must keep a follow-up record of such waste.
Hazardous waste reporting via Trackwaste
The state has put in place a on-line service for waste tracking slip management. It's about Trackwaste.
You must declare your hazardous waste on this gate.
This declaration shall be made via waste tracking slips, in a dematerialized manner, on the platform.
Managing the traceability of waste and asbestos (Trackwaste)
In particular, you will have to declare information about your hazardous waste, namely:
- The quantity, nature and origin of the waste your company produces, transfers to a third party or takes care of
- And, where appropriate, the destination, frequency of collection, means of transport and method of treatment or disposal envisaged for such waste
Please note
The following wastes are also subject to mandatory reporting via Trackwaste:
- Asbestos waste
- Refrigerant waste
- Infectious Care Activity Waste (DASRI)
- Waste end-of-life vehicles
When should you report information about Trackwaste?
You must change your tracking slips hazardous waste in Trackwaste whenever the hazardous waste is :
- Processed or treated : the processor indicates on the waybill the next destination of the hazardous waste.
- Received by a new person and that this refuse waste management: the person refusing the waste shall immediately indicate on the list the reason for refusal.
- Received by a new person and that this accept waste management: the person accepting the waste shall indicate in the list, within one month of receipt, the treatment to which the waste has been subjected. The waybill must be amended again if the waste is treated after this period.
You must inform your mayor, president ofEPCI: titleContent or prefect if your company did not receive updating the waste management voucher one month after their scheduled date of receipt. You must also inform the original shipper of the waste, if it is not your company.
Penalties provided for
Your company involved in hazardous waste management is at risk a penalty in case of no declaration or incorrect information. Two penalties are provided for:
- 4 years imprisonment and €150,000 of fine (natural person), or €750,000 of fine (legal persons).
- The fine for contraventions of 4e class: by amount of €750 (natural person), or €3,750 (legal persons)
These penalties can be cumulative.
General rule
He is ban on mixing hazardous waste :
- Of a category, with hazardous waste of different categories
- With non-hazardous waste
- With substances, materials or products that are not waste
Derogatory procedure for the authorization of mixtures of hazardous wastes
By way of derogation, mixed operations of hazardous waste may be permitted. They may take place only if these mixing operations:
- Are carried out in a classified installation for the protection of the environment (ICPE) subject to authorisation or to recording
- Perform according to the best available techniques
- Are carried out without endangering human health or the environment
- Do not aggravate adverse effects of such waste on human health or the environment
In order to obtain this derogation, you need to build a case including:
- A description of the types of waste to be mixed
- If relevant to your application, a description of the types of substances, materials or products intended to be mixed with the waste
- A description of the planned mixing operations, specifying whether these are best available techniques
- The measures envisaged to limit the dangers and disadvantages for: the convenience of the neighborhood, public health, public safety, public health, environmental and landscape protection, economical land use, rational use of energy and the conservation of sites and monuments
- The procedures put in place to avoid inappropriate mixing (which would not be carried out according to the best available techniques or which would endanger human health, harm the environment or aggravate the harmful effects of the mixed waste)
- The organizational and operational measures provided for in the event of inappropriate mixing, in particular those aimed at preventing risks to the environment and human health pending the separation of the materials or their transfer to a suitable installation
These elements must be sent to your prefect of department. You will receive a response within 15 days via a draft order. This draft order may impose additional measures on you, mitigate those you have proposed, or ask you to provide details. The prefect may also decide to reject your application.
Please note
When a mixture of hazardous waste has been carried out without having been the subject of a derogation, a separation operation shall be carried out if the mixing results in a danger to human health or to the environment. This shall be carried out, if technically possible, in a classified installation for environmental protection subject to authorization or registration.
Record keeping for companies permitted to mix
If your company is permitted to mix hazardous waste, you must maintain a record including:
- The elements of justification for the implementation of all the measures prescribed by the decree authorizing mixtures
- The list of waste concerned and its classification according to the nomenclature
- In the case of chemical substances, the list of substances and their Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry
- If it concerns the activity of your company, the list of materials and products mixed with hazardous waste
Penalty for mixing of unauthorized hazardous waste
Your company involved in hazardous waste management is at risk a penalty in the case of mixing of unauthorized hazardous waste. It's from 4 years imprisonment and €150,000 of fine (natural persons), or €750,000 of fine (legal persons).
The following activities are subject to specific obligations :
- Transport of dangerous goods
- Transport of hazardous waste
- Hazardous waste trading and brokering
Failure to meet these obligations exposes you to sanctions.
Find out with your professional organization or prefecture (Regional Directorate for Environment, Planning and Housing, DREAL).
Some hazardous waste needs to be sorted, transit or grouped. Hazardous waste should generally be treated or incinerated with a view to their disposal. Some waste may be temporarily or permanently stored.
All these operations concerning hazardous waste must be carried out in classified installations for the protection of the environment (PCI). You must comply with the regulations applicable to these installations.
The PCI nomenclature will allow you to identify the type of PCI that can receive your waste for disposal.
Nomenclature of PCIs and IOTAs
National Institute of Industrial Environment and Risks (Ineris)
Pour en savoir plus

Please note
Operators of PCIs subject to authorization receiving hazardous waste shall be subject to the General Pollutant Activity Tax (GPAT).
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Precise characteristics of hazardous waste (Annex III)
Regulation establishing the REACH list of substances
Regulation of the labeling and packaging of dangerous substances and mixtures
List of persistent organic pollutants
Waste classification (including hazardous waste)
Liability of the producer or holder of the waste
Reporting of information on waste
Prohibition of mixtures of wastes
Substances subject to authorization
Criminal sanctions
Prefectural orders
Establishment of a single European list of waste
Definition of hazardous waste & persistent organic pollutants
Derogation procedure for mixing hazardous waste
Retention of the follow-up register
Trackwaste Transmission Unit Changes
Penalty (fine for contravention)
Obligation to indicate dangerous and substances of very high concern
TGAP for PCI operators receiving hazardous waste
Content of the registers
List of dangerous substances
National Institute of Industrial Environment and Risks (Ineris)
European Union
European Parliament
European Chemicals Agency (EIOPA/ECHA)
Ministry of the Environment
European Parliament
European Parliament