Démarche en ligne

Online Declaration of a Classified Installation for Environmental Protection (PPI) (Online Service)

Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Dila) - Prime Minister

A test to verify that you are not a robot (captcha) will be performed at the end of your step.

Performing this test can be difficult for certain users, in particular those using a screen reader or navigating on the keyboard.


The dematerialized procedure allows you to perform online the following declarations for PCI reportable:

  • Initial Declaration
  • Change Declaration (only for changes notable)
  • Declaration of the benefit of acquired rights
  • Declaration of cessation of activity
  • Operator Change Declaration

    Go to the online procedure

    J'ai réalisé une démarche administrative

    Je donne mon avis sur Services Publics +. L'administration concernée me répondra.

    Émetteur de la démarche en ligne : Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information

    Verified 16 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)