Scheduled Accessibility Schedule (Ad'AP)
Verified 28 July 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Your institution receiving from the public (ERP) does not meet the accessibility requirement for people with disabilities. Can you still submit a Scheduled Accessibility Schedule (Ad'AP)? What formalities are you required to comply with when implementing the agenda that has been granted to you? We present this device and its follow-up.
If your institution receiving from the public is not accessible, you can no longer drop a scheduled accessibility agenda.
Failure to file Ad'AP before March 31, 2019 is sanctioned. A package of €1,500 applies for a ERP: titleContent whose number of members of the public is below the threshold referred to in safety regulations. The financial penalty shall be €5,000 in other cases.
To regularize your situation, you must ask a work permit or a building permit full compliance.
If your the establishment is accessible you must report this to the prefect:
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In general, the time taken to complete the work on an agenda is 1 to 3 up to years.
Of derogations may have extended this period to 6 years (maximum 2 periods of 3 years each) in the following cases:
- ERP: titleContent categories 1 to 4
- Assets consisting of several LES, at least one of which belongs to categories 1 to 4
- Specific technical or financial constraints
Exceptionally, in the case of particularly complex assets, the Ad'AP may have been granted for a maximum period of 9 years (3 periods of 3 years maximum each). The following situations may give rise to this longer period:
- ERP Business Continuity Requirements
- Number of municipalities of establishment
- Number and area of buildings
- Amount of investment required
The Ad'AP began as soon as notification of the decision of the prefect. In the absence of a written reply, an agenda of up to 3 years is considered approved. It shall then start 4 months after the date of submission of the application. Decisions of the Prefect approving an agenda of a longer duration must be the subject of a written decision and reasons.
Before you start the work, if you did not do so during the Ad'AP request, you have a request work permit (TA) or building permit to be deposited. It details the types of work, explains and justifies any requests for derogations.
During the work you must send follow-up reports to the prefect. The steps vary depending on the duration of the approved Ad'AP.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Maximum 3 years
You must submit a completion certificate.
Certification of Completion of Work for an ERP under an Ad'AP
6 years
- 1-year status update (this step is past for all approved schedules)
- Mid-term review
Mid-term review of the Ad'AP scheme
- Ad'AP Ending Review
- Certification of completion of each LES to be reported on the occasion of the reviews
Certification of Completion of Work for an ERP under an Ad'AP
9 years
- 1-year status update (this step is past for all approved schedules)
- Mid-term review
Mid-term review of the Ad'AP scheme
- Ad'AP Ending Review
- Certification of completion of each LES to be reported on the occasion of the reviews
Certification of Completion of Work for an ERP under an Ad'AP
Failure to transmit or the transmission of incorrect follow-up documents shall be punished.
A package of €1,500 applies when the agenda relates to an establishment with a staff of less than threshold referred to in the safety regulations. It's €2,500 in other cases.
In the absence of any commencement of the execution of the Ad'AP or in the event of a long delay, the prefect may initiate a procedure to establish a deficiency. He notifies you by mail RAR: titleContent. It shall specify the facts alleged and any penalties. You have a three-month period to forward your comments to him.
Depending on your situation, the Waiver Order may provide for various measures:
- Repeal of the decision approving the Ad'AP and report to the public prosecutor
- Accounting provision equal to the amount of unrealized work in the past period
- New work schedule of an additional 12 months if your Ad'AP has not already received an extension
- Financial penalty
You need more time to complete the work. You can request an extension of lead times if you:
- Force majeure, additional period of up to 3 years, renewable
- Financial difficulty, additional period of up to 1 year, non-renewable
- Technical difficulty, additional duration of up to 1 year, non-renewable
At least 3 months before the end of the deadline to complete the work, you send your extension request by mail RAR: titleContent to the prefect who approved the original agenda. It must be justified and justified by the information needed to assess the budgetary and financial situation.
In the month of the reception, the prefect can ask you for missing pieces by mail RAR: titleContent. You have up to 1 month to send them to him.
When your file is complete, the absence of a reply from the prefect within 3 months means that the extension requested is rejected.
Example :
The COVID-19 pandemic is considered a case of force majeure.
If it has disrupted your work, you may be given additional time. You have to prove that before the pandemic started, the compliance work was on schedule. To justify the additional time required, you describe and prove the disorganization of the work and the delays it caused.
While your Ad'AP is running, you can submit a change request for:
- Integrate new ERP: titleContent in an existing Ad'AP (e.g. in case of acquisition of non-compliant ERP)
- Change the schedule duration (unless it is already at the maximum)
You must send the application form for amendment of the Ad'AP to the prefect who approved it. He has 4 months to accept or reject your request.
Within 2 months of the end of the work, you send a certificate of completion of the work to the prefect who has validated your agenda.
You send a copy of the certificate to the mayor of the municipality where your ERP is located:
Who shall I contact
If your ERP is classified as categories 1, 2, 3 or 4, it must be drawn up by an approved technical controller or an architect.
If it's 5th category you can provide a certificate on the honor, accompanied by proof of the completion of the work and the planned actions. If he considers them insufficient, the prefect may require a certificate of completion drawn up by an approved titular technical inspector or an architect.
Certification of Completion of Work for an ERP under an Ad'AP
This certificate of completion of the works and measures for making them accessible shall be equivalent to an accessibility certificate and shall contain at least the following information:
- Work authorization number and/or Ad'AP number
- Date of approval
- Date of completion of this work and/or accessibility measures
Failure to transmit the completion certificate shall be penalized.
A package of €1,500 applies when the agenda relates to an establishment with a staff of less than threshold referred to in the safety regulations. It's €2,500 in other cases.
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Telephone administrative information - Allo Public Service
The informants who answer you belong to the ministry in charge of housing and city planning.
Cost: free service
Attention: the service does not have access to users' personal files and therefore cannot provide information on their progress.
The service is available at the following times:
- Monday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
- Tuesday: 8:30 to 12:15
- Wednesday: 8:30 to 12:15
- Thursday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
- Friday: 1 p.m. to 4:15 p.m
- Lundi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Mardi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Mercredi : de 08h30 à 12h15
- Jeudi : de 08h30 à 17h30
- Vendredi : de 13h00 à 16h15
Instruction of an Ad'AP
Maximum duration of an Ad'AP
Procedures for filing an Ad'AP and penalties
Extension of the time limit for enforcement
Conditions for obtaining an additional period and an extension of time
Approving and Editing an Ad'AP
Documents to be provided according to the change request
Monitoring the progress of an Ad'AP and attestation of completion