Institution receiving from the public (ERP): procedures for authorizing works
Verified 20 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The creation, fitting out or modification of a ERP: titleContent must be authorized by the city council. In principle, the authorization is granted on condition that the works comply with the accessibility and fire safety regulations and the city planning regulations. We present the different procedures to follow depending on the nature of the project.
Depending on the ERP surface to be built, you must deposit a Advance Work Statement (AD) or a building permit (PC) :
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Construction of an ERP of more than 5 m² up to 20 m²
If you are building an ERP of a floor area or a ground right-of-way more than 5 m² and less than or equal to 20 m², you must fill in the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: prior declaration of works
- Application for authorization, construction, fit-up or modification of an ERP (which verifies compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules).
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
Apply for ERP construction
For the preliminary declaration of works, you must use the following form:
For the application for authorization, construction, alteration or alteration ERP: titleContent, you must use the following form:
Application for permission to construct, develop or modify a facility receiving the public (ERP)
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing the request is 4 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The non-opposition to the prior declaration of works and the authorization of works are the subject of two separate decisions.
The silence of the City Hall at the end of the period of investigation is equivalent to the decision of non-opposition to your project. You can start the work. On simple request from you, the city hall issues you a certificate of non-opposition.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or by electronic means if you have accepted it by completing the city planning authorization application.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
Construction of an ERP of more than 20 m²
If theground right-of-way or the floor area of the construction is more than 20 m², you must fill in the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: building permit
- Specific file to verify ERPs' compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
Using an architect
If the contracting authority is a legal personHowever, the use of an architect is mandatory to establish the architectural project.
If the developer is a natural person, the use of an architect is mandatory when the construction is more than 150 m² of floor area.
Apply for ERP construction
The application for a building permit is done with the following form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
For the specific file to verify the compliance of ERP: titleContent accessibility and safety rules against fire and panic, you must use the following form:
Specific file to verify ERP compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules
You can apply for a building permit when the interior layout of the facility is not yet defined.
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing an application for a permit is 5 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The town hall takes 1 order single (decision).
If you do not receive a response by the end of the processing time, your project is accepted. It's a silent building permit.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or electronically if you have accepted this method of transmission by completing the permit application form.
If you have obtained a building permit while the interior layout of the establishment is not yet defined, the permit order then states that you must obtain a work authorization for this layout before opening it to the public. When the time comes, you table a application for authority to construct, develop or modify an ERP.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
For change the destination of a building, you must file an application for city planning authorization in the city hall.
If you're not doing any work, you're doing a preliminary declaration of works.
If you are doing work on the structure or facade, you request a building permit.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Change of destination or sub-destination
You must complete the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: preliminary declaration of works
- Application for authorization, construction, fit-up or modification of an ERP (verifies compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules).
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of an existing or created ERP in an existing building may request a waiver for not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
Request a change of destination
For the pre-work declaration, you must use the following form:
To apply for authorization, build, develop or modify an ERP, you must use the following form:
Application for permission to construct, develop or modify a facility receiving the public (ERP)
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate the case
The time limit for processing the request is 4 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The decision not to oppose the prior declaration of works and the authorization of works are the subject of two separate decisions.
The silence of the City Hall at the end of the period of investigation is equivalent to the decision of non-opposition to your project. You can start the work. On simple request from you, the city hall issues you a certificate of non-opposition.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or by electronic means if you have accepted it by completing the city planning authorization application.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
Change of destination or sub-destination with modification of facade or load-bearing structure
You must complete the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: building permit
- Specific file to verify ERPs' compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of an existing or created ERP in an existing building may request that not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
Make your request to change the destination of an ERP with work on its structure or modification of its facade
The application for a building permit is done on the following form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
For the specific file to verify the compliance of ERP: titleContent accessibility and safety rules against fire and panic, you must use the following form:
Specific file to verify ERP compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules
You can apply for a building permit when the interior layout of the facility is not yet defined. The permit order then states that you must obtain a work authorization for this development, before opening it to the public. When the time comes, you table a application for authority to construct, develop or modify an ERP.
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate the case
The time required to obtain a building permit for a ERP: titleContent is 5 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The town hall takes 1 decree unique.
If you do not receive a response by the end of the processing time, your project is accepted. It's a building permit unspoken.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or electronically if you have accepted this method of transmission by completing the permit application form.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
Depending on the situation of the land and the surface of the project, a preliminary declaration of works or a building permit to the town hall.
You must check whether the construction is in an urban area of a municipality covered by a MORE: titleContent.
This information can be obtained from the City Hall.
An extension project of less than 5 m² which modifies the exterior appearance of the building is subject to preliminary declaration of works.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Expansion of an ERP in an urban area of a PLU
Depending on the area of the extension and its impact on the total area of the ERP, you must drop a preliminary declaration of works or a building permit.
Extension from more than 5 m² to 40 m² or less
If theground right-of-way or the floor area of the extension are greater than 5 m² and less than or equal to 40 m², the project is subject to preliminary declaration of works.
You must complete the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: preliminary declaration of works
- Application for authorization, construction, fit-up or modification of an ERP to verify compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of an existing or created ERP in an existing building may request a waiver for not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
Using an architect
If the contracting authority is a legal personHowever, the use of an architect is mandatory to establish the architectural project.
If the developer is a natural person, the use of an architect is mandatory when the extension is from 20 to 40 m² floor area and brings the total floor area of the building to more than 150 m².
In this case, you must request a building permit.
Make your request for expansion work
For the preliminary declaration of works, you must use the following form:
For the application for authorization, construction, alteration or alteration ERP: titleContent, you must use the following form:
Application for permission to construct, develop or modify a facility receiving the public (ERP)
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing the request is 4 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The decision not to oppose the prior declaration of works and the authorization of works are the subject of two separate decisions.
The silence of the City Hall at the end of the period of investigation is equivalent to the decision of non-opposition to your project. You can start the work. On simple request from you, the city hall issues you a certificate of non-opposition.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or by electronic means if you have accepted it by completing the city planning authorization application.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
Extension from 20 to 40 m² bringing the total ERP area to more than 150 m²
If theground right-of-way or the floor area of the extension are greater than 20 m² and less than or equal to 40 m² and thatafter the work, the total floor area of the building shall be increased to more than 150 m², the draft shall be subject to building permit.
You must complete the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: building permit
- Specific file to verify ERPs' compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of an existing or created ERP in an existing building may request that not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
Using an architect
If the contracting authority is a legal personHowever, the use of an architect is mandatory to establish the architectural project.
If the developer is a natural person, the use of an architect is mandatory when the extension is from 20 to 40 m² floor area and brings the total floor area of the building to more than 150 m².
Apply for ERP construction
The application for a building permit is done on the following form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
For the specific file to verify the compliance of ERP: titleContent accessibility and safety rules against fire and panic, you must use the following form:
Specific file to verify ERP compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules
You can apply for a building permit when the interior layout of the facility is not yet defined.
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing the request is 5 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The town hall takes 1 decree unique.
If you do not receive a response by the end of the processing time, your project is accepted. It's a silent building permit.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or electronically if you have accepted this method of transmission by completing the permit application form.
If you have obtained a building permit while the interior layout of the establishment is not yet defined, the permit order then states that you must obtain a work authorization for this layout before opening it to the public. When the time comes, you table a application for authority to construct, develop or modify an ERP.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
Extension of more than 40 m²
When theground right-of-way or the floor area of the extension is more than 40 m², the project is subject to building permit.
You must complete the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: building permit
- Specific file to verify ERPs' compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of an existing or created ERP in an existing building may request that not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
Using an architect
If the contracting authority is a legal personHowever, the use of an architect is mandatory to establish the architectural project.
If the developer is a natural person, the use of an architect is mandatory when the extension measures more than 40 m² of floor area and brings the total floor area of the building to more than 150 m².
Apply for ERP construction
The application for a building permit is done on the following form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
For the specific file to verify the compliance of ERP: titleContent accessibility and safety rules against fire and panic, you must use the following form:
Specific file to verify ERP compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules
You can apply for a building permit when the interior layout of the facility is not yet defined.
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing the request is 5 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The town hall takes 1 order single (decision).
If you do not receive a response by the end of the processing time, your project is accepted. It's a silent building permit.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or electronically if you have accepted this method of transmission by completing the permit application form.
If you have obtained a building permit while the interior layout of the establishment is not yet defined, the permit order then states that you must obtain a work authorization for this layout before opening it to the public. When the time comes, you table a application for authority to construct, develop or modify an ERP.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
Expansion of an ERP outside of an urban area of a PLU
The choice of city planning authorization depends on the building surface:
Extension from more than 5 m² to 20 m² or less
When theground right-of-way or the floor area of the extension is greater than 5 m² and less than or equal to 20 m², the project is subject to preliminary declaration of works.
You must complete the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: preliminary declaration of works
- Application for authorization, construction, fit-up or modification of an ERP to verify compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of an existing or created ERP in an existing building may request a waiver for not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
Make your request for expansion work
For the preliminary declaration of works, you must use the following form:
For the application for authorization, construction, alteration or alteration ERP: titleContent, you must use the following form:
Application for permission to construct, develop or modify a facility receiving the public (ERP)
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing the request is 4 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The decision not to oppose the prior declaration of works and the authorization of works are the subject of two separate decisions.
The silence of the City Hall at the end of the period of investigation is equivalent to the decision of non-opposition to your project. You can start the work. On simple request from you, the city hall issues you a certificate of non-opposition.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or by electronic means if you have accepted it by completing the city planning authorization application.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
Extension of more than 20 m²
The project is subject to building permit when sound ground right-of-way or its floor area is more than 20 m².
You must complete the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: building permit
- Specific file to verify ERPs' compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of an existing or created ERP in an existing building may request that not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
Using an architect
If the contracting authority is a legal personHowever, the use of an architect is mandatory to establish the architectural project.
If the developer is a natural person, the use of an architect is mandatory when the extension measures more than 20 m² of floor area and brings the total floor area of the building to more than 150 m².
Apply for ERP construction
The application for a building permit is done on the following form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
For the specific file to verify ERPs' compliance with accessibility and safety rules against fire and panic, you must use the following form:
Specific file to verify ERP compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules
You can apply for a building permit when the interior layout of the facility is not yet defined.
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing the request is 5 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The town hall takes 1 order single (decision).
If you do not receive a response by the end of the processing time, your project is accepted. It's a silent building permit.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or electronically if you have accepted this method of transmission by completing the permit application form.
If you have obtained a building permit while the interior layout of the establishment is not yet defined, the permit order then states that you must obtain a work authorization for this layout before opening it to the public. When the time comes, you table a application for authority to construct, develop or modify an ERP.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declaration of completion and conformity of works
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
You have to make a preliminary declaration of works.
Make your request to change the external appearance of an ERP
You must complete the following 2 forms:
- Application for city planning authorization: preliminary declaration of works
- Application for authorization, construction, fit-up or modification of an ERP to verify compliance with accessibility and fire and panic safety rules.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of an existing or created ERP in an existing building may request a waiver for not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
For the preliminary declaration of works, you must use the following form:
For the application for authorization, construction, development or modification of an ERP, you must use the following form:
Application for permission to construct, develop or modify a facility receiving the public (ERP)
Drop your file
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument, remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, we invite you to consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing the request is 4 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The decision not to oppose the prior declaration of works and the authorization of works are the subject of two separate decisions.
The silence of the City Hall at the end of the period of investigation is equivalent to the decision of non-opposition to your project. You can start the work. On simple request from you, the city hall issues you a certificate of non-opposition.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent or by electronic means if you have accepted it by completing the city planning authorization application.
Declare completion and conformity of work
You must send a Declaration of Completion and Conformity of Work (Dact) at the town hall (or at the Basu: titleContent for Paris).
You must use the following form:
Declare ERP accessibility after work
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
How do I declare ERP accessibility after work?
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
You can declare your institution's compliance on the internet or send the attestation by email or by post RAR: titleContent to the prefecture.
On the Internet
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
By registered post with acknowledgement of receipt or by email
For a Category 1-4 ERP, you must send to the prefecture a document establishing the conformity of the establishment, made by an authorized professional (inspection office or architect). For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
General case

Prior to commencing an ERP interior, the owner (or his agent) must apply for authorization to construct, develop or modify an ERP.
The following operations are concerned:
- Internal modification of a surface open to the public
- Change of trade (grocery store replaced by a butcher, florist by another florist...) without change of destination rooms and without modification of the external appearance
- Interior renovation (displacement of internal partitions, creation or replacement of false ceilings, change of lining, installation of a ramp, ...)
- Work on technical installations (electricity, smoke-free, alarm, ...)
- Internal fit-up work without changing the purpose of the premises, carried out when new shops are established or when shops are replaced in a shopping arcade
- Internal fit-up work without changing the purpose of the premises, carried out when a new business is located in an existing building.
If the ERP is in the perimeter of protection of a backup and enhancement plan (PSMV), you need to make a preliminary declaration of works in town hall.
Where the purpose or effect of the work carried out within the ERP is to modify the structure of the building or the distribution of existing volumes, it shall be subject to building permit.
To find out if the ERP is located in this type of perimeter, contact the Departmental Unit of Architecture and Heritage (UDAP).
Who shall I contact
Make your request to modify the interior of an ERP
You must complete a application for authorization, construction, development or modification of an ERP. It verifies compliance with accessibility and safety rules against fire and panic.
The works are authorized by the City Hall after checking the accessibility and safety rules by the Departmental Advisory Committee on Security and Accessibility (CCDSA).
The owner or manager of a ERP: titleContent existing or created in an existing building may request a derogation for not apply accessibility rules in certain cases :
- Technical impossibility (characteristics of the land, presence of other constructions, ...)
- Constraints related to heritage conservation
- Cost of the work disproportionate to the improvements made by accessibility
- Co-owners' refusal to authorize accessibility work in common areas when the PRT is located in a public residential complex.
Drop your file
You must use the following form:
Application for permission to construct, develop or modify a facility receiving the public (ERP)
You can submit or send your file by mail RAR: titleContent to the town hall in 4 copies.
The City Hall may ask you for additional copies of the complete file if your work is located in a protected area (historic monument,remarkable heritage site, nature reserve, national park...).
For inquiries concerning LES in Paris, please consult the police prefecture website, taking into account the specificities of the Paris organization. You can also consult the reception and service desk of the Paris City Hall.
Who shall I contact
Know the time taken to investigate
The time limit for processing the request is 4 months from the receipt in the town hall of a complete file.
Receive response from the city hall
The authorization is issued by the City Hall.
If you do not receive a response within the 4-month period of investigation from the date of filing your application, the work authorization is considered to be granted.
If the decision is unfavorableHey, the town hall notify its decision by letter RAR: titleContent.
Declare ERP accessibility
After completing the work, you must provide the prefecture with a certificate of compliance with the accessibility rules.
For a Category 1-4 ERP, a licensed professional (supervising office or architect) must issue the certificate of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 1 to 4 visitors
For Category 5 ERP, the owner or manager of the establishment may the attestation of conformity.
Certificate of accessibility of an establishment receiving category 5 visitors
You can declare your establishment's compliance to the prefecture by:
- Internet
- Mail RAR: titleContent.

For Paris, the declaration must be made to the police prefecture:
Who can help me?
The public service accompanying companies
Do you have a project, a difficulty, a question of daily life?
Simple and free - you will be called back within 5 days by THE advisor who can help you.
To get informed and complete the process
Town HallTo find out more and complete the process (except in Paris)
PrefectureTo find out more and complete the process (only in Paris)
Prefecture de police de Paris - Gesvres central site
Declarations and authorizations
General fire safety objectives
Accessibility provisions for disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility
LES Authorizations - Time Limit for Investigation (Article R122-16)
Defining and enforcing security policies
Building permit equivalent to work authorization for LES
New constructions requiring prior notification
Work subject to building permits
Work on existing construction, change of destination, work requiring RFP
Instruction periods allowed to construct for an ERP (Article R*423-28)
Compulsory redress and derogations