Property tax on built property (TFPB) for companies
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Property tax on built property (TFPB) is payable by the owning company or usufructuary of a built property, at 1er January of the taxation year. There are permanent and temporary exemptions.
Property tax is payable by any company (sole trader or business) owning or usufructuary of a built property of any kind located in France.
It can be a actual construction or a assimilable plant to a construction.
Actual buildings
Property tax on built properties (TFPB) is payable for any construction filling the following 2 conditions :
- It is permanently fixed to the ground : the construction shall be connected to the ground in such a way that it is impossible to move it without demolishing it. This is the case if the construction is based on masonry or cement foundations or foundations. Regardless of the nature of the materials used to construct the building itself (e.g. wood, fibercement, steel-framed). On the other hand, this excludes any construction which is not fixed to the ground and which can be easily transported (e.g. cabin, kiosk, booth, fairground).
- It has the character of a real building, by reason of its nature, destination, importance, method of establishment and fixity.
Example :
Property tax on built properties (TFPB) is payable for subsequent constructs :
- Wooden garden shelter, fixed to the floor by a masonry border
- Private swimming pool removable acquired in wood panel kit, as soon as it is half buried and its installation required earthworks
- Light-weight recreational dwelling (e.g., cottage, bungalow, mobile home) that rests on foundations or a masonry seat such that it is impossible to move it without demolishing it
- Yurt for housing, built on concrete blocks and including facilities such as connection to public water, sewerage or electricity networks
- A mushroom farm in the basement.
Conversely, a building unfit for use (e.g., dilapidated and ruined building) that is the subject of work affecting its major work is not taxable to tax on built properties. This building will nevertheless be taxable at the real estate tax on unbuilt property (TFPNB).
Please note
The buildings erected without building permit are subject to property tax on built property.
The building accessories are also subject to property tax on built-up property (e.g. elevators, escalators, glazing, locks, tiles, plumbing, plumbing, sound and thermal insulation, electricity, lighting, telephone installations).
Installations equivalent to buildings
Property tax on built properties (TFPB) is also payable for following properties :
- Facilities for housing persons or property (e.g. hangars, workshops) or to store products (e.g. tanks, tanks, silos, hoppers, gas meters, water towers)
- Masonry structures having the character of genuine constructions (e.g. factory chimneys, atmospheric refrigerants, refit forms, structures supporting material means of operation)
- Soils of buildings and land forming an indispensable and immediate dependency on these buildings, with the exception of land occupied by greenhouses used for agricultural purposes. These are small spaces adjoining or serving as access or clearance to the building, such as courtyards, passages, gardens not exceeding 500 m² or parking spaces in a building complex.
- Land, cultivated or not, used for commercial or industrial advertising (billboards, billboards, etc.) and located more than 100 meters from any built-up area
- Vessels used at a fixed location and fitted out for habitation, trade or industry, even if they are only restrained by moorings (e.g. houseboat, floating lodge built and constructed, not for sailing but for use in meetings of members of a business)
- Works of art and communication channels (e.g. dams, dikes, bridges, quays, overpasses, forced pipes, railways, roads, cemented tracks), with the exception of railway tracks operated by SNCF and RATP which are subject to the real estate tax on unbuilt property (TFPNB)
- Uncultivated land used for industrial or commercial purposes : construction sites, places where goods are deposited and other places of the same nature.
Example :
Property tax on built properties (TFPB) is payable for following lands :
- Bare land leased to a trader for the purpose of organizing flea, second-hand or garage sale markets, even though it has not been developed to allow its exploitation for commercial purposes and is only used for commercial activities on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
- A racecourse field used for training or competition tracks, where it is for commercial use. In the absence of commercial use, this land is subject to property tax on unbuilt property (TFPNB)
- Career in industrial exploitation
- Uncovered tennis court, rented for consideration by the owning business, is considered to be used for commercial purposes, even if no profit is made by that business
- Playground or sports field, commercially operated, except golf courses which are subject to the property tax on unbuilt property (TFPNB)
- Automatic car washing station.
However, green areas designed for restaurant guests do not fall within the scope of property tax application on built-up properties.
Some properties are exempt property tax on built property (TFPB). Such exemptions may be permanent or temporary.
Permanent exemptions
The following properties are exempt from the property tax on built property (TFPB) on a permanent basis and in all cases :
- Buildings assigned to a agricultural use, i.e. barns, stables, granaries, cellars, cellars, presses and other buildings intended either to house livestock and their keepers or to store crops. The exemption remains valid for buildings which are no longer used on a farm, provided that they are not used for any other purpose (e.g. wintering activities for caravans, camper vans or boats).
- Buildings used for the production of biogas, electricity and heat by methanisation. The exemption shall apply on condition that the methanization is carried out by one or more farmers and that it comes from at least 50%, raw materials from agricultural holdings.
- Buildings for photovoltaic electricity production, i.e. technical equipment for the production of electricity but also the buildings which are the necessary support, such as processing and delivery stations and their earthworks.
- Tools and other material means of operating industrial establishments (e.g. distillation towers, ovens, exchangers, specialized refinery steam cracking units), excluding those intended to house persons or to store products.
- Hangars belonging to rescue associations recognized as being in the public interest and used to shelter their lifeboats.
Other properties also benefit from a permanent exemption from tax, provided that the exemption is granted on the deliberation of the municipality :
- Hotels, classified premises and bed and breakfast located in Rural Revitalization Area (RRZ). The company must submit an exemption request to the Property Tax Office via the form n°6671-D-SD.
- Buildings used for the dehydration of fodder (e.g. alfalfa, beet and maize fodder), excluding those containing presses and dryers
- Accommodation less than 3 km from an establishment with an installation classified as ‘ SEVESO 3-SH’. The exemption shall be granted up to 25% or 50% of the tax.
- Dwellings located in an area of exposure to mining risks. The exemption shall be granted up to 25% or 50% of the tax.
- Dwellings within the perimeter of a technological risk prevention plan. The exemption shall be granted up to 15% or 30% of the tax.
Temporary exemptions
Exemptions temporary property tax on built property (TFPB) are numerous.
Exemption for new and similar constructions
One 2-year exemption shall apply in the following cases:
- New constructions, reconstruction or construction additions for residential use
- New constructions, reconstructions or additions of constructions other than those for residential use. In this case, the exemption shall be 40% of the tax.
- In the case of conversion of a building for agricultural use into a house or factory
- Where land is used for commercial or industrial purposes, such as construction sites, places where goods are stored and other similar sites.
To benefit from this exemption, the owner must make a declaration, informing the property tax center of the location of the property, the construction or the change in the 90 days of its realization. Where the declaration is made out of time, the exemption shall apply for the period remaining after 31 December of the following year.
Exemption for new companies
A new company that creates or buys a local for business purposes may benefit from exemption from 2 to 5 years, on the basis of the deliberation of the communities.
The conditions to be met vary depending on location of the company to be created:
- Either in a Rural Revitalization Area (RRZ)
- Either in a regional aid area (RBAZ).
Company located in ZRR
In order to benefit from the exemption, the company must comply with the following conditions :
- The new company shall be set up, before 30 June 2024, in a Rural Revitalization Area (RRZ). You can view the affected areas through a simulator.
- The company shall exercise commercial, craft, industrial or liberal activity.
- The company employs less than 11 employees. The annual number of employees shall be the average of the number of persons employed in each month of the preceding calendar year.
- The share capital of the new company is not held, directly or indirectly, for more than 50%, by other businesses.
Company located in ZAFR
In order to benefit from the exemption, the company must comply with the following conditions :
- The new company shall be set up, before 31 December 2027, in a regional aid area (RBAZ). The head office and all the activities and means of operation must be located in one of these areas.
- The company shall exercise commercial, craft, industrial or liberal activity. A business engaged in a liberal activity must employ at least 3 employees in DTA: titleContent or CSD: titleContent at least 6 months, at the end of each financial year of the period of application of the exemption. The annual number of employees shall be the average of the number of persons employed in each month of the preceding calendar year.
- If the company carries out an activity outside the ZAFR (" non-sedentary activity '), the turnover generated by that activity shall not exceed 15% its overall turnover.
- The share capital of the new company is not held, directly or indirectly, for more than 50%, by other businesses.
The company must declare the acquisition of the premises, at the property tax center of the location of the property, in the 15 days of signature of the act. The declaration must specify the nature of the goods, their location (address and, if possible, cadastral references) and the references of the document (date, registration number, etc.). Failure to report on time shall result in the loss of the exemption for the year following the year in which it should have been entered into.
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Exemption for young innovative companies (JEI)
One 7-year exemption shall apply, on the decision of the local authorities, to premises owned by young innovative companies (JEI) created until 31 December 2025. It shall cease to apply from the year following 7e the anniversary of the creation of the company or early if the company no longer meets the conditions of the specific status.
In order to benefit from the exemption, the company must indicate this on unbound paper before 1er January of the first year in respect of which the exemption is sought from the property tax center of the location of the premises.
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Please note
The exemption is capped by EU rules on de minimis aid to €300,000 by period of 36 months.
Exemptions in priority areas
Companies benefit from a property tax exemption where their establishment is located in a priority area :
- 5-year exemption in the following areas:
- 7-year exemption in the following areas:
- Urban basins to be dynamized (BUD)
- Priority Development Areas (PDZs)
- Exemption of 5 years, then 3 years degressively (75%, 50%, 25%), in the areas France ruralités revitalization (FRR), from 1er July 2024.
In order to benefit from the exemption, the company declares the property tax office of the location of the property before 1 January of the year in respect of which the exemption takes effect. Failure to report on time shall result in the loss of the exemption for the year concerned.
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The tax relief relates to the establishment and extension of establishments in the QPVs up to December 31, 2024. The arrangements for tax exemptions in the EBRDs shall also end on December 31, 2024. The extension of these exemptions is not foreseen at present.
In some cases, the owner (or usufructuary) shall carry out a statement addressed to the tax authorities. Otherwise, it is exposed to sanctions.
Reporting obligation
Owner must report new constructions and the changes in consistency or use of the built property.
New construction
The concept of " new construction may refer to a new construction proper or to a rebuilding.
Depending on the nature and use of the premises, the company shall use one of the following forms :
- Form No 6660-REV : for commercial, craft or business premises
- Form No 6701 Model U : for an industrial establishment
- Form No. 6650 Model H1 : for a detached house
- Form No. 6652 Model H2 : for an apartment located in a collective building
- Form No. 6654 Model ME : for a place of exceptional character (e.g. department stores, big hotels, big cinemas, sports complexes, big castles).
Change in consistency
The change in consistency corresponds to a transformation which changes the volume or surface of a property or part of a property. These include the following transformations:
- Addition of construction (e.g. creation of an additional floor)
- Total or partial demolition
- Construction restructuring (e.g. division of a house into apartments, reunion of several apartments into a single dwelling)
- Transformation of an outbuilding into a living room (e.g. garage converted into a bedroom).
The company must declare the change in consistency, at your choice :
- Either by means of the online service " Manage my real estate ” on
- Either by means of the form No 6660-REV, provided that the change concerns a commercial, craft or business premises.
Change of assignment
Built-up properties are divided into multiple groups : residential, business, commercial and industrial premises.
An assignment change is a change that moves a local from one group to another group (e.g. conversion of a dwelling room into a store, conversion of an apartment into a business office).
The company must declare the change of assignment, at your choice :
- Either by means of the online service " Manage my real estate ”
- Either by means of the form No 6660-REV, provided that the change concerns a commercial, craft or business premises.
Please note
However, a change of assignment from a rural building to a house must be reported with the Form No 6650 Model H1.
The declaration must be made within 90 days of completion, i.e. as soon as the state of progress of the works allows the property to be used effectively, even if there is still some interior work to be done (e.g. paints, wallpaper, flooring).
In the case of a paper declaration, it must be lodged, at the option, at the personal income tax department (SIP) or at property tax centre (CIF) the location of the built property.
Penalties for non-declaration
The owner or usufructuary who makes an incorrect or out-of-time declaration shall be liable to 2 types of sanctions cumulable:
- Tax fines : failure to produce a document within the prescribed time limit which must be submitted to the tax authorities shall result in the application of a fine of €150. In addition, each inaccuracy or omission in the same statement is also punishable by a fine of €15, without the total fines applicable per declaration being less than €60 not greater than €150.
- Loss of entitlement to temporary exemptions : in the case of late reporting (beyond 90 days after completion of the works), the temporary exemption of property tax applies only for the period remaining after 31 December of the following year.
To calculate the property tax on built properties (TFPB), it is necessary to determine the tax base. Of rebates may apply in certain cases.
Calculation of the taxable amount
Property tax on built property (TFPB) is based on the cadastral rental value of these properties. This rental value is the annual rent that the property could generate if leased.
This rental value shall be reduced by one abatement of 50% to compensate for the owner's management, insurance, depreciation, maintenance and repair costs. In other words, the property tax base is equal to 50% of the cadastral rental value taxable property.
Please note
A special allowance of 1% to 15% shall apply in favor of shops and boutiques whose main surface is less than 400 m² and that are not part of a commercial package. This reduction shall be granted on the decision of the local authorities, without any time limit. Residential premises, premises for professional use (liberal activity) and industrial establishments are not concerned.
Next, the property tax is calculated by applying to cadastral income (i.e. to the tax base) a tax rate voted by local and regional authorities.
The tax administration shall make available a new tool to view the tax rate applicable to your municipality. Simply enter an accounting year, your region, and then your department.
Relief in the event of non-exploitation
The owner can benefit from a relief of tax where a building (e.g. building, site, place of deposit) for commercial or industrial use, which it operates itself, is subject to a interruption of operation.
The rebate is applicable when the non-operation fulfills the 3 following conditions :
- It is independent of the owner's control. The owner must establish precisely that a circumstance beyond his control has inevitably hindered the continuation of the exploitation (economic crisis, lack of raw materials, health, etc.).
- It has lasted for at least 3 continuous months. There would be no rebate for, for example, a building used by an industrial or commercial establishment that is unused on a regular basis every other week.
- It affects the whole of the building or a part capable of separate use.
In order to obtain the rebate, the owner must apply to the property tax center on which the building depends no later than December 31 of the year following the year in which the inexploitation has reached the minimum period required.
The relief shall be calculated from the first day of the month following the month in which the non-operation started to the last day of the month in which it ended.
Example :
A building remains unused from November 10 of year N to February 15 of year N+1.
The owner is entitled to the following allowances:
- Deduction in December in year N, on application submitted in year N+1
- Rebate in January and February of year N+1, on application submitted in year N+2.
The company liable for property tax on built property (TFPB) receives a paperless tax notice (and not by mail) on its online tax account. This tax notice indicates the amount of the TFPB to be paid.
The final date for payment of the notice of property tax shall be set annually at October 15 at midnight (or the next working day when October 15 is a Saturday or Sunday).
The company has the choice between following payment methods :
- Internet payment via the online tax account (remote payment): The company pays the tax online by default. This mode is mandatory for companies covered by the DGE.
- Monthly levy : payment method on option, the company is automatically charged every 15th of the month from January to October. Each levy corresponds to one tenth of the amount of TFPB. The option is available until June 30.
- Pick at maturity : payment method on option, the company is automatically debited at maturity. The option is available until September 30.
Please note
The tax administration shall make available a practical guide detailing how to view and pay your property tax notice.
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Properties taxable to TFPB
Permanent exemptions
Permanent exemption, dehydration of fodder
Exemption 2 years, new constructions
Exemption 2 to 5 years, new companies
Exemption 5 years, companies in QPV
Exemption 7 years, young innovative companies (JEI)
Permanent exemption, hotels and bed and breakfast in ZRR
Exemption 7 years, companies in BUD
Exemption 5 years, companies in BER
Exemption 5 years, companies in ZRD
Exemption 7 years, companies in ZDP
5-year exemption, FRR companies (from 1 July 2024)
Online service
Online service
Ministry of Finance
General Directorate of Public Finance