How do I get a Siren number or a Siret?

Verified 30 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

How are the Siren and Siret numbers formed?

Siren means company directory identification system.

It is 9 digits long.

Siret means a system for identifying the register of establishments.

It is composed of 14 digits: the 9 digits of the Siren + 5 digits specific to each establishment (these 5 digits are called NCI, internal classification number (Insee).

Please note

The Siren number is included in the Siret number.

That's why the number Siret individual business of the principal place of business or the registered office of a foreign national or a business is often requested.

What are the differences between Siren number and Siret number?

The number Siren is the unique identification number of a company.

The number Siret is the identifier of each of the establishments company. He gives a geographical indication which the Siren does not give.

Example :

1 head office and 2 sales stores = 1 Siren + 3 Siret

1 head office and 1 production plant = 1 Siren + 2 Siret

individual business 2 different activities within a single Siren and as many Siret as institutions

individual business 1 and 1 business = 2 Siren for each of the companies and as many Siret as establishments

Siren and Siret are assigned as a result of the formalities for registration of a company (also known as an activity declaration).

Or it could be theindividual business registration of a, or a micro-company, or ofregistration of a business.

The contractor or declarant has no steps to request its Siren and Siret numbers.

It automatically receives them as soon as the application for registration is accepted.

The Siren and the Siret are available in thepersonal space of the declarant on the Single window for company formalities.

Company Formalities Window

Please note

Insee no longer provides certificate of registration since 1er January 2023. All registration information is available on the website of the Company Formalities Window.

It provides access to all legal information and financial of a company.

These data are public. Anyone who wants to can consult them.

The Siren number must be indicated on each pay slip of employees, on all commercial documents and on mail and administrative forms.

Its assignment automatically triggers the registration of the company in the Sirene directory.

The Siren number enters the composition other company identification numbers : the Siret and the intra-Community VAT number.


The Sirene Directory records the identity of all companies established in France, including foreign companies, regardless of their status. It is managed by Insee.

The Siret number is used to identify geographical location a company and each establishment that makes it up.

It identifies the place where takes place the activity.

The Siret number must be mentioned on each pay slip of the employees working in the establishment concerned.

The Siret shall also be shown on the company invoices.

The Siren is awarded for life if the company has the legal form of the individual contractor IS: titleContent (including micro-entrepreneurs).

If the registrant conducts more than one business, a Siren number shall be assigned for each business.

The Siren may only be removed in certain cases:

In the event of a change in the situation of the entrepreneur, manager or company, or a change in the principal activity: every change shall be reported to the Single window for company formalities, irrespective of the legal form of the company.

Company Formalities Window

The Siret changes every time the address of a company or one of its establishments changes.

This change shall be reported to the Company Formalities Window.

Company Formalities Window

The counter then sends a new Siret number, which can be consulted on the personal space of the company.

Please note

Only the part corresponding to the Siret number changes, the part corresponding to the Siren always remains identical (this is the part also called “ NCI: titleContent ")

These data are public.

Any person can find or retrieve the Siren or Siret number of a company if necessary. The legal and financial characteristics of the companies are accessible to all, free of charge, either on the Sirene Directory, or on theCompany Directory.

Company Directory

L'Company Directory allows you to:

  • Recover the Siret or Siren number of each company settled in France
  • Find the information from each of the companies (legal, financial data) settled in France

Example :

These include the intra-Community VAT number, the EPA code, the Siret of all companies registered in France and all publications in the Bodacc: titleContent

Company Directory: Find all information in a company

Searches are made by name, company name, Siret number or Siren number.

Sirene Directory

The Sirene Directory a company's "identity card" may be applied for:

Sirene Directory Status Notice

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