What are the formalities to change the front of a business?
Verified 11 August 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You have a business (store, shop, ...). Are you planning to carry out work that modifies your front (the window, the façade, the sign, ...)? Would you like to know the administrative steps to be taken before starting the work? In most cases, you need to request a city planning authorization. We are taking stock of the regulations.
First of all, you need to ask your city hall if your project is located in a protected area or if it concerns a protected building.
Sectors protected may be: remarkable heritage sites, the historic landmarks, the classified or pending sites, nature reserves, the heart of national parks or a future national park.
Protected buildings are buildings registered, categorized or protected by the local city planning plan (PLU).
General case
You must ask the city planning department of your town hall to know if the work is subject to prior declaration of works (DP) in your commune.
General case
You can perform this work without administrative permission.
Municipality where RFP is mandatory
You can do your work on the Internet or by using a form.
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
You must file a prior declaration only if the work modifies the exterior appearance of the building. This is the case, for example, when the window frame is replaced by a different frame.
You can do your work on the Internet or by using a form.
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
The time-limits for investigations are:
- If your file is complete, the time-limit for the investigation is 1 month from the date of filing of the RFP in Town Hall.
- If your file is incomplete, the City Hall will send you a letter within 1 month of receiving or submitting your DP file RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts. You have 3 months from receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your RFP will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
If you create or modify a door or window in a store, you must deposit a prior declaration in town hall.
You can do this on the Internet or by using a form.
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
The time-limits for investigations are:
- If your file is complete, the time-limit for the investigation is 1 month from the date of filing of the RFP in Town Hall.
- If your file is incomplete, the City Hall will send you a letter within 1 month of receiving or submitting your DP file RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts. You have 3 months from receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your RFP will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
You must also submit an application for authorization to build or fit up a building in the city hall receiving institution (ERP) by completing the following form:
Application for permission to construct, develop or modify a facility receiving the public (ERP)
The time-limits for investigations are:
- If your file is complete, the time-limit for the investigation is 4 months from the date of submission of the file to the mayor's office.
- If your file is incomplete, the mayor shall send you a letter within 1 month of receipt or submission of your application RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts. You must send the documents requested within the time limit that the administration has granted you . If you do not provide them, your application will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
You must file a declaration of work with the municipality of the municipality where the commercial establishment is located.
You can do your work on the Internet or by using a form.
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
The time-limits for investigations are:
- If your file is complete, the time-limit for the investigation is 1 month from the date of filing of the RFP in Town Hall.
- If your file is incomplete, the City Hall will send you a letter within 1 month of receiving or submitting your DP file RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts. You have 3 months from receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your RFP will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
You need to get a prior administrative authorization before settling a retail store that falls into one of the following categories:
- Laser beam sign
- Municipality covered by a local advertising regulation (RLP)
- Less than 100 m from a listed building
- On a tree
You must send your application for authorization and the accompanying file in 3 copies using the following form:
The request may be addressed to the mayor of the place where the sign is to be displayed in one of the following ways:
- By electronic means with request for electronic acknowledgement of receipt when the mayor is able to ensure a secure and confidential transmission
- By registered mail with request for postal receipt
- Filed in City Hall against dump
The time limits for the investigation are as follows:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Your file is complete
Instruction time is 2 months from the date of submission of your application for authorization in the city hall.
Your file is incomplete
Within 1 month of receiving or submitting your application for authorization to the City Hall, she will send you a letter RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts.
You have 2 months from receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your application will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
If you settle a terrace with or without ground right-of-way (or a display in front of a store), you must deposit a application for authorization to occupy the public domain with the municipality of the municipality where the commercial establishment is located.
The application file varies from municipality to municipality. You can find the file to download on the website of your city hall (or of your prefecture if your request is located on a major artery of the city). This is either a form specific to your municipality or the following form:
You must send your complete file to the City Hall (or the prefecture if your request is located on a major street of the city).
You can drop it off on site or send it by mail, preferably by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.
General case
The request is located on the communal area or a street of the city
The request is located on a national or departmental road or on some major arteries of the city
In Marseille
Who shall I contact
Marseille - Pitches Service
Allows Marseille professionals to make the following requests:
- Location in an open-air market or covered hall
- Authorization to settle a terrace, a display, a sign in front of a shop
- Authorization to settle scaffolding or palisade in the public domain
By mail
33 A rue Montgrand
13006 Marseille
By telephone
+33 4 91 55 15 64 or 04 91 55 22 44
The processing of the application is between 2 weeks and 1 month depending on the communes.
Without a response within 2 months, the application is considered refused.
an authorization issued at local events by a holiday committee or an association has no legal force and may be canceled.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
Sectors protected
Yes, you have to file a advance work statement (PNR)) to carry out the renovation of the facade of your shop.
Before starting your work, check with the city planning department of your city hall to find out if you are concerned. The prior declaration file must be filed with the municipality of the municipality where the commercial establishment is located.
You can do your work on the Internet or by using a form.
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
The time limits for the investigation are as follows:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Your file is complete
Within one month of submitting your RFP, the city planning department will notify by letter RAR: titleContent one investigation period of 2 months in general.
If you have agreed in your prior declaration to receive the instructor's correspondence to an email address, the notification may be sent to you by email.
Your file is incomplete
Within 1 month of receiving or submitting your RFP to the City Hall, she will send you a letter RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts.
You have 3 months from its receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your RFP will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
You must file a prior declaration only if the work modifies the exterior appearance of the building.
You can do your work on the Internet or by using a form.
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
The time limits for the investigation are as follows:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Your file is complete
Within one month of submitting your RFP, the city planning department will notify by letter RAR: titleContent one investigation period of 2 months in general.
If you have agreed in your prior declaration to receive the instructor's correspondence to an email address, the notification may be sent to you by email.
Your file is incomplete
Within 1 month of receiving or submitting your RFP to the City Hall, she will send you a letter RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts.
You have 3 months from its receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your RFP will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
You must file a prior declaration in town hall.
You can do your work on the Internet or by using a form.
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
The time limits for the investigation are as follows:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Your file is complete
Within one month of submitting your RFP, the city planning department will notify by letter RAR: titleContent one investigation period of 2 months in general.
If you have agreed in your prior declaration to receive the instructor's correspondence to an email address, the notification may be sent to you by email.
Your file is incomplete
Within 1 month of receiving or submitting your RFP to the City Hall, she will send you a letter RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts.
You have 3 months from its receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your RFP will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
You must also submit an application for authorization to build or fit up a building in the city hall receiving institution (ERP) with the following form:
Application for permission to construct, develop or modify a facility receiving the public (ERP)
The time-limits for investigations are:
- If your file is complete, the time-limit for the investigation is 4 months from the date of submission of the file to the mayor's office.
- If your file is incomplete, the mayor shall send you a letter within 1 month of receipt or submission of your application RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts. You must send the documents requested within the time limit that the administration has granted you . If you do not provide them, your application will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
You must file a Advance Work Statement (AD) with the municipality of the municipality where the commercial establishment is located. You can do your work on the Internet or by using a form.
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
The time limits for the investigation are as follows:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Your file is complete
Within one month of submitting your RFP, the city planning department will notify by letter RAR: titleContent one investigation period of 2 months in general.
If you have agreed in your prior declaration to receive the instructor's correspondence to an email address, the notification may be sent to you by email.
Your file is incomplete
Within 1 month of receiving or submitting your RFP to the City Hall, she will send you a letter RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts.
You have 3 months from its receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your RFP will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
Depending on the type of sign and where it will be displayed, you will need to obtain prior authorization or special authorization.
Prior authorization
Your file is complete
Instruction time is 2 months from the date of submission of your application for authorization in the city hall.
Your file is incomplete
Within 1 month of receiving or submitting your application for authorization to the City Hall, she will send you a letter RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts.
You have 2 months from receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your application will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
Special Authorization
In the vicinity of a historic monument, in cases not subject to prior authorization, you must obtain a special authorization before settling or changing a sign.
You must send your request for authorization and the accompanying file in 3 copies to the mayor of the place where the sign is to be affixed using the following form:
The time limits for the investigation are as follows:
- Your file is complete: the investigation period is 2 months from the date of receipt of your application for authorization in the town hall.
- Your file is incomplete: within 1 month of receiving your application for special authorization, she sends you a letter RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts.
You have 3 months from receipt of the letter to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your application will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
If you settle a terrace with or without ground right-of-way (or a display in front of a store), you must deposit a application for authorization to occupy the public domain with the municipality of the municipality where the commercial establishment is located.
The application file varies from municipality to municipality. You can find the file to download on the website of your city hall (or of your prefecture if your request is located on a major artery of the city). This is either a form specific to your municipality or the following form:
You must send your complete file to the City Hall (or the prefecture if your request is located on a major street of the city).
You can drop it off on site or send it by mail, preferably by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.
General case
The request is located on the communal area or a street of the city
The request is located on a national or departmental road or on some major arteries of the city
In Marseille
Who shall I contact
Marseille - Pitches Service
Allows Marseille professionals to make the following requests:
- Location in an open-air market or covered hall
- Authorization to settle a terrace, a display, a sign in front of a shop
- Authorization to settle scaffolding or palisade in the public domain
By mail
33 A rue Montgrand
13006 Marseille
By telephone
+33 4 91 55 15 64 or 04 91 55 22 44
The processing of the application is between 2 weeks and 1 month depending on the communes.
Without a response within 2 months, the application is considered refused.
an authorization issued at local events by a holiday committee or an association has no legal force and may be canceled.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
Protected buildings
You need to obtain administrative approvals based on the type of building protection.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Classified buildings
On the Internet
You can apply for authorization on the Internet:
You can use an online service to get support:
On the spot
The application for authorization must be submitted in 4 copies to departmental units of architecture and heritage (UDAP), by direct delivery against a receipt.
By mail
The application for authorization must be submitted in 4 copies to departmental units of architecture and heritage (UDAP) to which the vessel is attached, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Listed buildings
General case
You must complete your PC file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your PC application file on the internet:
You can complete your PC application using a form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
Buildings protected by the PLU
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
You need to obtain administrative approvals based on the type of building protection.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Classified buildings
On the Internet
You can apply for authorization on the Internet:
You can use an online service to get support:
On the spot
The application for authorization must be submitted in 4 copies to departmental units of architecture and heritage (UDAP), by direct delivery against a receipt.
By mail
The application for authorization must be submitted in 4 copies to departmental units of architecture and heritage (UDAP) to which the vessel is attached, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Listed buildings
General case
You must complete your PC file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your PC application file on the internet:
You can complete your PC application using a form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
Buildings protected by the PLU
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
You need to obtain administrative approvals based on the type of building protection.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Classified buildings
On the Internet
You can apply for authorization on the Internet:
You can use an online service to get support:
On the spot
The application for authorization must be submitted in 4 copies to departmental units of architecture and heritage (UDAP), by direct delivery against a receipt.
By mail
The application for authorization must be submitted in 4 copies to departmental units of architecture and heritage (UDAP) to which the vessel is attached, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Listed buildings
General case
You must complete your PC file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your PC application file on the internet:
You can complete your PC application using a form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
Buildings protected by the PLU
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
You need to obtain administrative approvals based on the type of building protection.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Classified buildings
On the Internet
You can apply for authorization on the Internet:
You can use an online service to get support:
On the spot
The application for authorization must be submitted in 4 copies to departmental units of architecture and heritage (UDAP), by direct delivery against a receipt.
By mail
The application for authorization must be submitted in 4 copies to departmental units of architecture and heritage (UDAP) to which the vessel is attached, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Listed buildings
General case
You must complete your PC file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your PC application file on the internet:
You can complete your PC application using a form:
Application for a building permit (other than for a detached house or its annexes)
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
Buildings protected by the PLU
General case
You must complete your RFP file by paperless means according to the arrangements made by your municipality or on a paper form. Inquire on the website of the city hall or on site.
On the Internet
You can complete your RFP application file on the Internet:
You can complete your RFP application using a form:
In Paris
You must submit your file to the Office Accueil et service à l'user (Basu: titleContent) by dematerialized means only:
Office Accueil et Service à l'User (Basu) de Paris: one-stop-shop
You need to get a prior administrative authorization before settling a retail store that falls into one of the following categories:
- Laser beam sign
- Municipality covered by a local advertising regulation (RLP)
- Less than 100 m from a listed building
- On a tree
You must send your application for authorization and the accompanying file in 3 copies using the following form:
The request may be addressed to the mayor of the place where the sign is to be displayed in one of the following ways:
- By electronic means with request for electronic acknowledgement of receipt when the mayor is able to ensure a secure and confidential transmission
- By registered mail with request for postal receipt
- Filed in town hall against landfill
The time limits for the investigation are as follows:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Your file is complete
Instruction time is 2 months from the date of submission of your application for authorization in the city hall.
Your file is incomplete
Within 1 month of receiving or submitting your application for authorization to the City Hall, she will send you a letter RAR: titleContent to ask you for the missing parts.
You have 2 months from receipt to send the requested parts. If you do not provide them, your application will be considered rejected.
The instruction timeout starts when your folder is full.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
If you settle a terrace with or without a footprint, or a display in front of a shop, you must drop off a application for authorization to occupy the public domain with the municipality of the municipality where the commercial establishment is located.
The application file varies from municipality to municipality. You can find the file to download on the website of your city hall (or of your prefecture if your request is located on a major artery of the city). This is either a form specific to your municipality or the following form:
The processing of the application is between 2 weeks and 1 month depending on the communes.
Without a response within 2 months, the application is considered refused.
an authorization issued at local events by a holiday committee or an association has no legal force and may be canceled.
If the business is located in a condominium, you must obtain theauthorization of the general meeting of the co-owners before undertaking this work. This authorization shall be granted by a majority vote of all the co-owners.
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For information on city planning regulations and administrative procedures
Telephone administrative information - Allo Public Service
For more information on this topic, you can contact Allô Service Public.
Attention: the service does not have access to users' personal files and cannot therefore provide information on their status.
- Lundi : de 08h30 à 17h30
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The informants who answer you belong to the ministry in charge of housing and city planning.
To apply for a city planning authorization and/or obtain information on administrative procedures
Town HallTo apply for a city planning authorization and/or obtain information on administrative procedures (only in Paris)
Paris: Reception and service desk (Basu)To file an application for authorization of works on classified or registered buildings, an application for special authorization and/or for further information
Departmental Architecture and Heritage Unit (UDAP)
Works and changes of destination subject to prior declaration
Contents of the file for an application for prior declaration
Work on existing construction subject to building permits
Building Permit Application File
Prior authorization of the general meeting of the co-owners
Commercial signs (legislative part)
Commercial signs (regulatory part)
Special authorization for the installation of a sign
Declarations and authorizations necessary for the creation, development or modification of a facility receiving from the public (ERP)
Authorization to occupy the public domain
Online service