Creation, modification or discontinuance of activity: who should be contacted?
Verified 11 February 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Since 1er January 2023, the formalities for creating, modifying and terminating activities must be carried out online on the company formalities office. The use of this " one-stop shop ” dematerialized is now obligatory. It replaces the abolished company formality centers (TFCs).
All companies, whatever their legal form or activity, must use the new single formalities site:
- Individual companies (EIs) or businesses engaged in commercial, craft, professional or agricultural activities
- Companies with a registered office, principal place of business, secondary school or address in France
- Foreign companies wishing to carry out an activity in France.
Associations, condominium trustees, foundations and trusts are not affected through the formalities window. These entities continue to report as before.
Obligation to use the formalities window
All the following formalities must be carried out on the website of the companies formalities window:
- Creating the company : registration, declaration of commencement of activity or declaration of beneficial ownership
- Changes : change of activity, address, name, number of partners, legal form, statutes, etc.
- Termination of activity and company deletion
Please note
The submission of annual accounts businesses may also be made at the formalities desk. The paper-based application may be lodged in a single copy at the Registry of the Commercial or Judicial Court of the seat of the business.
Exceptional derogations: use of PDF forms
PDF forms can be used to perform the following formalities:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Ex officio cancelation report
The forms depend on the legal form of the company:
For a automatic cancelation report, you have to fill in the subsequent forms :
- GDPR Package Leaflet (Cerfa No 52340)
- M2 - Statement of Change Legal Entity (Cerfa No 11682), its leaflet (Cerfa No 50785) and the insert M'
- M3 - Declaration on management bodies, supervision, control of the legal person (Cerfa No 11683) and its package leaflet (Cerfa No 50786)
- M'BE businesses Interlayer (Cerfa n° 16062*02) and its package leaflet (52313#01)
Individual business
For a automatic cancelation report, an individual trader must complete the subsequent forms :
- GDPR Package Leaflet (Cerfa No 52340)
- P2 - Declaration of amendment natural person (trade, trades) (Cerfa n° 11678), his notice (Cerfa n° 50783)
- Interlayer P' (Cerfa No 11677)
Please note
The company situation will also have to be regularized on the formalities desk, for example in the event of a transfer of a registered office or the cessation of an activity.
Exceptional Transformation
These include, for example, the transformation of an association into a cooperative (SCOP: cooperative production business or SCIC: cooperative business of collective interest), the transformation of an EPA (public administrative establishment) into EPIC (public industrial and commercial establishment), or the transformation of an EHPAD (accommodation establishment for dependent elderly persons) into EPCC (public cultural cooperation establishment)
To inform the court registry and the administration of this transformation, the subsequent forms :
- GDPR Package Leaflet (Cerfa No 52340)
- M2 - Statement of Change Legal Entity (Cerfa No 11682), its leaflet (Cerfa No 50785) and the insert M'
- M3 - Declaration on management bodies, supervision, control of the legal person (Cerfa No 11683) and its package leaflet (Cerfa No 50786)
- M'BE businesses Interlayer (Cerfa n° 16062*02) and its package leaflet (52313#01)
Creation of an association registered in the trade and businesses register
The one-stop-shop for company formalities will soon enable the online formality of setting up an association registered in the RCS (register of trade and businesses).
In the meantime, to inform the administration, the following forms must be completed:
- M0 ASSO (Cerfa No 15909*02) and its package leaflet (Cerfa No 52275*2)
- M'BEGIE associations (Cerfa 16064*02) and package leaflet (52315#01)
- GDPR Package Leaflet (Cerfa No 52340)
Modification of an association registered in the RCS
The one-stop-shop for company formalities will soon allow the online processing of the formality for the modification of an association registered in the RCS (Trade and businesses Register).
In the meantime, to inform the administration, the following form should be completed:
- M2 - Statement of Change Legal Entity (Cerfa No 11682), its leaflet (Cerfa No 50785) and the insert M'
- M3 - Declaration on management bodies, supervision, control of the legal person (Cerfa No 11683) and its package leaflet (Cerfa No 50786)
- M'BEGIE associations (Cerfa 16064*02) and package leaflet (52315#01)
- GDPR Package Leaflet (Cerfa No 52340)
Cancelation of an association registered in the RCS
The one-stop-shop for company formalities will soon allow the online deletion of an association registered in the RCS (Trade and businesses Register).
In the meantime, to inform the administration, the following forms must be completed:
- M4 - Declaration of Cancelation of Legal Person (Cerfa N) 11685) and the spacer M′
- GDPR Package Leaflet (Cerfa No 52340)
These forms, together with supporting documents, must be addressed to the Registry the Commercial Court, the Economic Affairs Court (TAE) or the Judicial Court of the place where the business has its seat.
To find out which court has jurisdiction, the Ministry of Justice provides the following tool:
Know the court competent for procedures for the prevention or treatment of difficulties
At the time of first connection, the declarant (Head of company, representative or delegate) must create user account on-site
This user account is staff.
Please note
Holders of an “e-procedures” account atInpi: titleContent can use this account to use the formalities window.
In order to carry out his formality, the declarant shall enter online information and attaches dematerialized coins necessary. You can start a process and save it in a draft and finish it later.
The competent bodies (Insee, social and tax services, registries of commercial courts, consular chambers, etc.) process the information received.
The progress of the formalities is available at any time on the counter, from the personal space dashboard. Due to the recent opening of the window, the processing times for formalities may be extended.
Please note
The use of the site is free, but some formalities are paying.
To learn more about the steps to declare a company formality on the company Formalities Window website:

The head of company (manager or micro-entrepreneur) can carry out the on-line formalities on the formalities window.
He can ask an employee (called delegatee) to carry out the formalities on behalf of the company by drawing up a delegation.
It can also give this mission to any other person (called representative) by drawing up a contract of office. A template for the mandate is available on the website of the window.
One copy of the document of delegation or the mandate must be transmitted when the formality is carried out on the site.
The right person to talk to depends on the problem you are experiencing.
Technical Difficulties
One receipt is issued in case of technical difficulty preventing the filing of the file on the site.
This may be due to a general site unavailability or a blocking of one or more reporting types (creation, cessation of activity, changes in situation). The receipt issued attests to the attempt to deposit a formality on the site of the companies formalities window.
This receipt attest that the company has fulfilled its obligation to carry out the formality. It is issued on the day of the attempted deposit.
The company shall be informed as soon as the blockage has been resolved. It must then reconnect to fulfill its formality in a maximum of 15 days. She can then file her formality by attaching the receipt.
Please note
The date of lodging of the formality is the one on the receipt, not the one on the electronic receipt.
Single window malfunctioning: what remedies?
Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Dila) - Prime Minister
Pour en savoir plus

In case of technical difficulty, you can also contact INPI Direct.
Who shall I contact
INPI Direct by phone or contact form
Telephone support
01 56 65 89 98
Monday to Friday
from 9 am to 6 pm
Answers to your questions
Contact Form
Question on the content of formalities
If your question concerns the content of the formalities, please contact the consular network on which you depend.
If you are a merchant, you can contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).
If you are a craftsman, you can contact the Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CMA).
If you are a Liberal, you can contact theUrssaf.
Who shall I contact
If you are a farmer, you can contact the chamber of agriculture.
Who can help me?
The public service accompanying companies
Do you have a project, a difficulty, a question of daily life?
Simple and free - you will be called back within 5 days by THE advisor who can help you.
Electronic company formalities window
Emergency procedure of the formalities window
Online service
National Institute of Industrial Property (Inpi)
National Institute of Industrial Property (Inpi)
National Institute of Industrial Property (Inpi)