Application for the allocation of an intra-Community VAT number to a taxable person not liable for payment (Document model)

Identification of the person liable

Business (Name of company):




Phone No.:


Siret No:


Tax No.:


Subject: Assignment of intra-Community VAT numbers

I am a taxable person not liable for VAT:

[Check formula as appropriate]

[ ] taxable person subject to the VAT exemption scheme

[ ] farmer placed under the flat-rate agricultural refund scheme

[ ] taxable person who carries out only transactions which do not give rise to the right to deduct


[ ] I intend to make intra-Community acquisitions of goods:

(Check formula as appropriate)

  1. [ ] The annual amount of my intra-Community acquisitions of goods is less than €10,000 :
    [Check one of the following two boxes]
    • [ ] I would like to benefit from the derogation which allows me not to subject intra-Community acquisitions of goods to VAT.

    • [ ] I opt to pay VAT on my intra-Community acquisitions of goods. Therefore, I declare the amount of my purchases and the VAT due on a VAT 3310-CA3 declaration that I file, together with the payment, with the company tax department (SIE) to which I report.
  2. [ ] The annual amount of my intra-Community acquisitions of goods exceeds €10,000 :
    I have to subject my intra-Community acquisitions of goods to VAT. Therefore, I declare the amount of my purchases and the VAT due on a VAT 3310-CA3 declaration that I file, together with the payment, with the company tax department (SIE) to which I report.

[ ] I intend to supply and/or acquire services from a taxable person not established in France and obtain an intra-Community VAT number:

[Check one of the following two boxes]

  • [ ] in the case of the acquisition of services for which I am liable for tax in France, whatever their amount, I must file a VAT declaration 3310-CA3, accompanied by the payment, with the companies' tax department (SIE) to which I am responsible.
  • [ ] in the case of the supply of services to a taxable person identified for VAT purposes established in another Member State of the European Union, I have to draw up a European Services Declaration (DES).

Date and signature:


Verified 12 August 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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